Fate – Caladbolg (R) [10/27/2023]

Caladbolg is the legendary blade of the hero, Fergus mac Róich. Legend has it that the sword had been stolen by the King Ailill mac Máta and returned to him later. Upon receiving his blade, Fergus renames the sword, giving it the iconic name we know today as Caladbolg. It is a blade that emanates a rainbow like light when swung.

FS/S36-067U “偽・螺旋剣”

Archer, a servant that can forge any copy of pretty much any weapon with unparalleled mastery and exact specifications, draws upon the rainbow blade as he sails towards the tides of war. Caladbolg is used as an arrow rather than its more traditional use as a sword in Archer’s hands. Launching it towards the enemy, the event itself performs an Akatsuki event ability, allowing you to add a red character to hand. It can be bonded to by this Archer here.

Rin and Archer together is the finisher of this deck. The pairing performs a simple damage shot for a single stock cost with her climax in play when they attack while giving them additional power for the turn. The strength of this finisher comes with the Rin support in the center. Rin is an assist for characters in front of her, but more importantly, you may resonate her with Caladbolg to cheaply add your finisher to hand from waiting room.

When Archer wields Caladbolg, his combat prowess is greatly enhanced. Archer breaking out on the left is a power pump on-play with a resonate ability to nuke one of your opponent’s front row level zero characters at the start of your climax phase. Archer looking smug in the center is a level zero reverser with the ability to grant a character a burst of power during the first turn you play a Caladbolg event. 1/0 Archer pumps the power of another character when he swings, and when he’s reversed, if his opponent is level one or lower, you may resonate with Caladbolg to reverse them as well.

For our early game, we have two potential combos to choose from. Both Rins achieve extra hand but operate differently. The Rin on the left is a Cigarettes combo that also gains power based upon the number of characters on your field on play. The Rin on the right is a reverse combo that also gains constant power as long as your field carries her condition of having at least three characters with Rin [凛] and/or Archer [アーチャー].

Depending on your style of play or if you need specific cards in hand, choose the combo that works for you. Their respective climaxes are shown below.

In terms of ways of milling the deck outside of the Caladbolg event, we have two different “brainstorm” cards. Rin on the left is a pseudo-brainstorm, tapping two and paying a stock to check up to the top four cards of your deck to add a level one or higher card to hand, even events such as Caladbolg. She can also pay a cost to discard an event and allow you to salvage any character to hand. Rin on the right is a salvage brainstorm that also has a revenge power boost ability, bolstering your other cards’ powers whenever one of their own is reversed.

As for other ways to filter, Rin has several options at her disposal. The first Rin on the left plays a gamble game with your opponent when she enters the stage. You must mill a card and if your opponent declares the level matching the card milled, you draw equal to that card’s level plus one. Furthermore, she’s a climax discard outlet to salvage a character. Center Rin is a Kazuma profile that checks up to four cards, helping you dig through your deck. 2/1 Rin looking defeated is a level two or lower reverser while also being a Rize profile on play for events.

Rin wielding her magic seal is an interesting consideration for the deck as she grants clock encore to all of your Rin and Archer characters, helping to maintain board at the cost of life. Rin getting ready for battle is a support card with all kinds of beneficial effects. Firstly, during her battle, your opponents may not play events. She also gains power during your turn while providing global power to all your other characters. She’s also an Amagi profile and allows you to pay a stock to pop an opponent’s level zero character in the front row. She’s an absolute madhouse of a toolkit, so make sure to take note of all her abilities.

In terms of backups, Rin is an anti-change backup to help rid your opponent of any early played threats. Archer is a costless counter, perfect for sneaking in a cheeky reverse here and there.

Rin and Archer carry several tools up their sleeves. Archer pulling out his classic bow and arrow is a secondary finisher that deals damage based off the level of the character that he triggers. 2/1 Archer and Rin combined is a freefresh card that allows you to draw a card. Rin displaying her sword of Zelritch is an early play healer. Rin casually smiling is a potential free salvage beater as she forces you to mill two on play, and if you mill a climax, you may discard a card and salvage any character for free. Rin in trouble becomes an anti-early play reverser when she’s reversed if you resonate with Caladbolg, and she also carries innate red card encore.

Caladbolg is a powerful weapon wielded by one of history’s most powerful warriors. In the right hands, it is an unparalleled tool capable of snatching the reins of victory from even the most dire situations. Make sure to keep in mind of the potential synergies that Caladbolg has and adjust it as needed to deal with your enemies. With its piercing rainbow flash, Caladbolg pierces through even the darkest of nights.