

A tyrannical overlord who maintains control over the tiny other contributors. Enjoys comedy series and iced black coffee.

To Love-Ru – Aliens (R) [02/03/2021]

Rito’s life switches around completely the moment the Deviluke sisters arrive in town. After his adventures with Lala, her sisters Nana and Momo decide to live permanently together on Earth as they observe their big sister’s growing relationship with Rito.…

The “Chiyuri” Profile

The Chiyuri profile is a profile similar to that of the Akatsuki/Azusa profile. However, the timing works at a generally less opportune spot being that its effect and cost activate when the card is sent to waiting room rather than…

The “Clean Cut” or Kasumi Profile

The “clean cut” effect is a much wanted profile present for every deck in their early game. A simple effect of resting another character on reverse and sending another one of your front row characters to the back is amazing…