2024 Weiss Schwarz at a Glance
As another year passes by, and I get a little bit older and grow more grey hairs. More sets are added to the game. It’s been a bit of a mixed year for us here; just busy with real life…
As another year passes by, and I get a little bit older and grow more grey hairs. More sets are added to the game. It’s been a bit of a mixed year for us here; just busy with real life…
When it comes to German engineering, nothing can match the prowess of the Deutschland spirit. From their small trinkets to advanced weaponry, to the very small everyday tools that have unique purposes for which they were specifically designed for. Now…
The history of the Doro is quite complicated. Stemming from the pits of the Internet, the Doro is a magical species that supposedly has mystical origins from hell itself, some SCP-500 founding universe, or the dark streets of Yonge and…
According to my friend, Ciki, Naga and Tia are best friends who are NIKKEs and high schoolers. Apparantly, one of them wants to meet a dragon and make a wish to it while the other one just really enjoys accessories.…
A tradition as old as time itself, horse racing is a notorious activity that pushes competitive horses to their limits as they speed against one another. Within this sport comes a lot of money from associated gambling. As the horses…