Summer Pockets – Warehouse Photos (B/G) [01/22/2024]

Close your eyes and imagine. School has finally ended, and you’re in the middle of your youth. You’ve just recently entered into high school, and it’s been a tough year full of new experiences. After studying hard for exams with no sleep, you’ve finally reached the end of your school term and are ready to enjoy your bountiful summer. Taking a trip to an island far away, you reach its shores and begin your adventures with the numerous unique island inhabitants.

SMP/W60-046U 蔵で見つけた写真

In the corner of an abandoned warehouse, you find a picture of a young girl who looks rather familiar. This ancient photo in the warehouse is a clock swap event that sends itself to memory. While in memory, it permanently buffs the power of your character during your turn. The mysterious girl’s photograph above is an important keepsake and is needed for a plethora of card abilities in this deck.

Tsumugi above gains power as long as you have a copy of the mysterious special girl’s photograph in memory. She allows you to filter your hand on-play while refunding a stock. Tsumugi gains an ability with her climax when she swings that grants her additional power cross-turn while also letting you deny soul to your opponent’s board. Each copy of Tsumugi reduces the soul of the chosen character by one and can reduce even more soul based on the number of copies of the photograph event you possess in memory (the more the better).

For our early game combo of choice, Tsumugi takes the spotlight as she looks on nearby the island’s lighthouse. Upon reversing her opponent with her climax in play, Tsugumi performs a Maguro ability, letting you add any character to hand while also granting her additional cross turn power.

Outside of hard drawing the event, we have a few more consistency pieces to guarantee our event in hand. Tsumugi on the left is an Amagi profile that specifically adds either a character with Tsumugi [紬], Tsumugi [ツムギ], Shizuka [静久], or the photograph event to hand. She’s additional a power pump to help ensure our cards get the reversals they need. Tsumugi on the right is a clock swapper for the bottom card of your clock with your waiting room on play. She’s also a salvage bonder to the photograph event.

As for pay-offs for the photograph event, we also have these two Tsumugi cards shown above. Tsumugi lets you blind stock the top card of your deck whenever she reverses an opponent if you have the photograph event in memory. 3/2 Tsumugi is an early play healer who gains additional power during your turn should you have her photograph in memory.

Tsumugi on the left is a burst powered beater with the ability to rest another Tsumugi or Shizuka character and pay a stock when she reverses her opponent to search your deck for a character with those same names and add it to hand. The Tsumugi on the left is a global power support during your turn that lets you clock swap with the bottom of your clock while letting you see the top card of your deck whenever you play a character to stage.

Shizuku, as a friend of both Tsumugi and our dear protagonist, helps Tsumugi along on her adventure. Both the left and center Shizuku share a name which will be important for the 3/2 support Shizuku. The left Shizuku is a searcher when it’s reversed and you pay its costs. When it goes to memory, it gains the name of the center Shizuku. Shizuku in the center is a drop salvage that goes to memory upon reverse if you have two or less cards in memory. The support Shizuku on the right provides extra power to your Tsumugi cards in front while also sending a copy of the center Shizuku to memory on play. At the start of your opponent’s attack phase, you can double up on Tsugumi’s combo ability by adding as many of the named Shizuka cards from memory to hand and discarding cards to reduce the soul of your opponent’s characters. The number of times you may perform the ability is based upon the number of Shizuka(s) you return to hand.

Shizuka has some other supportive options as shown above. 2/1 Shizuka is a level three killer that has a nifty ability of letting you discard a climax at the start of your encore step to salvage a character. 1/0 Shizuka allows you to rearrange the top two cards of your deck when she swings while letting you salvage the 0/0 Shizuka from memory to hand and discard a card to grant herself additional power (optional).

SMP/W60-032S-SR “らくしょーで大好き”紬

The last card I’d like to mention before reaching the end of our summer adventure is Tsumugi above. Tsumugi here is a “healer” in a non-conventional sense. By discarding a character when she’s played from hand, you may spawn out a character from your clock, which, if we combine with a bit of luck and other clock filter abilities, can be used to cheaply pull out our finisher for a cheap cost.

As for counters, given how big Tsumugi can be, they can be used to keep your board alive to loop the combo again. Tsumugi on the left is an anti-change counter. The counter on the right is a money counter to get rid of any on-reverse abilities that may stagnate or if somehow your opponent can get through the soul deficit that Tsumugi and/or Shizuku gives them.

0/0 Tsugumi comes in as a free 4000 power beatstick if your opponent isn’t out almost half their climaxes in their deck. Shizuku in her bathing suit lets you shuffle back targets you want to search out later to grant herself an additional soul. When her damage is cancelled, you may pay a stock to draw a card. Shizuku in her cow pyjamas lets you rearrange the top two cards of your opponent’s deck while also letting you discard a card and sending her to waiting room to salvage any character. Tsumugi in wet clothes is a tap two brainstorm that searches and also grants power to characters in front of it. Shizuku waving her finger is a power pump on-play that is also an Adachi profile. Lastly, Shizuku sighing in her pajamas is an expensive searcher on play that can grab any character with RECOLLECTION [記憶] in their abilities.

After having a wonderful summertime fun with Tsumugi, she rests fine in her abode dreaming of further moments with you.