NA WGP 2023 – 2nd Place, Toronto Regionals, Samuel Choi

WS WGP is one of the largest official tournaments for Weiss Schwarz, supported by Bushiroad directly. Players from each region flock to attend and show off their skills. Initially an in-person exclusive event with several regional tournaments followed by a national invite competition.

How did you feel about the tourney?

I had a lot of fun. It’s been a while since I’ve last participated in a live WGP. It feels quite refreshing to see and play people in person. Webcam games are fun and all, but they don’t have the same feel as laughing and messing with your friends in person.

Why did you choose to play your series/deck?

Lycoris Recoil was a very fun series. I think the main girls (Chisato and Takina) are cute and hilarious. I also have the deck in max rarity, so I really wanted to show it off (I am missing a single card, but it’s coming in the mail). Both finishers, Chisato and Takina, are powerful in their own right, and the modality of their abilities lets you get through certain match-ups that may be difficult for others.

What do you think the greatest strengths in your deck were?

Chisato’s and Takina’s abilities are separate from each other. You can operate them individually. Against anti-burn matchups, Chisato can simply re-stand. I personally think Chisato and Takina combined is one of the strongest endgame finisher combos available.

What do you think are weaknesses that the deck does not cover very well?

Because I limit my deck to purely Chisato and Takina, I do not have many salvage options. I mostly rely upon recycling my field with cards like the 1/0 Takina bottom deck reverser and 0/0 Pina brainstormer; however, both options may not be the best at times as 1/0 Takina opens my field and using Pina loses me my brainstorm. My deck is also fairly low power field-wise, so large walls can forcibly open my field and deal large amounts of soul damage to my clock.

Furthermore, because the deck is so reliant on having specific cards in hand at level three, if a single Chisato is stuck at the bottom of my stock or forced into clock, Takina is very difficult to achieve.

What did you think about your deck’s performance overall?

Re-stand is a very powerful ability. Considering that Chisato doesn’t have to reverse, you can often just deal random amounts of large damage by just swinging with her, especially if she attacks an open lane. The clean cut profile proved to be quite useful during the tourney especially against many level zero reversers thanks to its plus one level ability. I feel I got a bit unlucky towards the end of the tournament, but it performed better than I had hoped for.

What was your favourite card in the deck?

LRC/W105-036SSP-SSP これからも続く日々 千束

I love Chisato. Her energy and bubbly attitude is so much fun. She saved me many a times by just dealing absurd amounts of raw soul damage.

What are some potential changes you would consider making to the deck?

LRC/W105-P03S-PR 応えるワケ 千束

In its current state, I may consider adding the 2/1 Chisato PR bouncer that also grants soul. This card can let me bounce one of my opponent’s back-row cards if need be, such as that of the annoying 1/1 Yuji that prevents any burn damage. Otherwise, I think I’m happy with how the deck currently is. I just hope that with the upcoming premium booster, the set will provide a pseudo replacement for Chisato in hand just for 3/2 Takina’s effect. Additionally, a drop search or salvage just for the duo is nice. And if Bushiroad is feeling really nice, I could also take a salvage brainstorm to replace the current check three, add one brainstorm.

What was your hardest match-up?

My hardest match-up was probably against Overlord. My deck cannot interact with Ainz whatsoever. Ainz kills my field all at once, making my Pina brainstorm useless.

Is there any memorable moment that occurred during the tourney?

My luckiest moment for sure was attacking with my re-standing Chisato to finish the game against Overlord. I was really lucky that my opponent had blind-stocked their last bar climax the previous turn. Otherwise, I was guaranteed dead the following turn.

I think the game before was tragic for my opponent. He had gone through his third deck’s refresh and entered his last turn at level three with five cards in clock. I had just recently hit level two on my first deck. He used his Aki finishers to push me to level three, and then I just mercy killed him with a swing. The worst turn he had was when he fronted into my clean cut and gave me a plus one on board.

What is your favourite part of this series?

I love the two main girls. They’re silly and fun. I’m hoping for a second season or some kind of follow-up series.

How do you feel about the current Japanese sets?

I feel the current meta is much better compared to the one just before it. There’s a lot more diversity now that Alice and others are gone. At the same time, I do feel like the top decks do need to be powered down. All of them carry a similar problem of having one or more of the following traits: they cannot be interacted with easily, they have little to no costs on their cards, or their finishing ability is extremely strong. Couple this with modern Weiss’ consistency in filters and cantrips, and these decks have a clear power distinction.

Their ability to avoid interaction is the worst. It feels like these decks just run their game plan, and you have nothing you can do about it. You just have to pray that you’re lucky to survive against them.

Any shout-outs?

I’d like to personally thank Dennis for helping me out all this time with everything. I hope he buys me a horse soon.

Any changes you would like to suggest to the tournament/format?

Two slots in a forty plus man tournament feels quite awful. We really need more slots for players here. Additionally, I would wish that we could get our own Nats here in Toronto, Canada, partially to reduce travelling costs to the U.S..

Final words?

I need to go to bed earlier.


Level 0 (19):
LRC/W105-070S-R – 励ますたきな x1
LRC/W105-071OFR-OFR – ふたり一緒なら 千束&たきな x2
LRC/W105-066LRR-LRR – 選んだ居場所 たきな x2
LRC/W105-T11R-RRR – 良好な変化 たきな x2
LRC/W105-P04PR – 私の役目 たきな x1
LRC/W105-054C – 旧電波塔、再び 千束 x1
LRC/W105-T01SP-SP – 遊びに行こう 千束 x2
LRC/W105-045S-SR – “お出かけ”のお誘い 千束 x1
LRC/W105-044U – 東京観光 千束 x2
LRC/W105-P02S-PR – 最期の役目 千束 x2
LRC/W105-005S-SR – 私服の千束 x1
LRC/W105-004S-SR – 私服のたきな x2

Level 1 (12):
LRC/W105-T09R-RRR – アランチルドレンの証 x1
LRC/W105-080S-SR – 不本意な転属 たきな x1
LRC/W105-105PR – セーラー服のたきな x2
LRC/W105-072OFR-OFR – 射撃の達人 たきな x1
LRC/W105-067LRR-LRR – 相棒 千束&たきな x4
LRC/W105-040S-SR – いのち大事に 千束 x3

Level 2 (1):
LRC/W105-P05S-PR – 戦うワケ たきな x1

Level 3 (10):
LRC/W105-T18R-RRR – 久々の再会 たきな x1
LRC/W105-068SSP-SSP – これからも続く日々 たきな x3
LRC/W105-036SSP-SSP – これからも続く日々 千束 x4
LRC/W105-035LRR-LRR – 帰る居場所 千束 x2

Climaxes (8):
LRC/W105-063Ra-RRR – 2人で過ごす日々 x1
LRC/W105-063Rb-RRR – 2人で過ごす日々 x1
LRC/W105-063Rc-RRR – 2人で過ごす日々 x1
LRC/W105-063Rd-RRR – 2人で過ごす日々 x1
LRC/W105-097R-RRR – 凸凹な名コンビ x4