NA WGP 2023 – 1st Place, Toronto Regionals, Nicholas Tran

WS WGP is one of the largest official tournaments for Weiss Schwarz, supported by Bushiroad directly. Players from each region flock to attend and show off their skills. Initially an in-person exclusive event with several regional tournaments followed by a national invite competition.

How did you feel about the tourney?

It had a lot of fun at the event. It was run smoothly with lots of space at my venue (it was my local shop). I was happy to have WGP be in-person once again after so long since the pandemic.

Why did you choose to play your series/deck?

I retired from playing Weiss Schwarz for a while until Puzzle and Dragons came out as a set. I am a big fan of the mobile game and happy to have a new release to enjoy after so long. As for the reason I chose this build, I heard from everyone it was the strongest in the current meta.

What do you think the greatest strengths in your deck were?

The most powerful part of my deck comes from 3/2 Ney. It is has very high reach in terms of damage, capable of ending games before my opponents can even reach level three.

What do you think are weaknesses that the deck does not cover very well?

The deck is reliant upon the level one combo to maintain hand and generate stock throughout the game. Additionally, if the deck is in a bad state, the deck will struggle to mill out, leaving the deck vulnerable to taking large amounts of damage.

What did you think about your deck’s performance overall?

My deck performed well. 0/0 Sakuya and 0/0 Uruka worked very well in helping maintain hand throughout my matches. Sakuya was a powerful early game play, making it quite difficult for my opponents to get over. Additionally, her added level made her immune to many of the common level zero reversers. Uruka’s clean cut ability could come out in a pinch, especially in the early game to help maintain board cheaply.

What was your favourite card in the deck?

PAD/S105-001RR アマテラス&ツクヨミ

My favourite card in the deck was the 0/0 Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi. The card is really versatile for searching for level zeros that push my advantage as well as sculpting my level one combo. In a pinch, it can also push me to the next level with its costs, preventing me from being stuck at level zero to bring my level one combo out. Additionally, in the later game, it can also force me to level three if I think it is good opportunity to go for game with Ney.

What are some potential changes you would consider making to the deck?

PAD/S105-021C 転生貂蝉

I would like to add more of 2/1 Diaochan, the bouncer. I underestimated how much anti-burn is in the meta, and I think it is important to have countermeasures to that strategy.

SI/WPR-004PR しろくろフェス しよ子

I would also like to add the 1/0 Shiyoko clock encore to the deck as a way to level up myself more efficiently when my opponent tries to keep me at level two.

What was your hardest match-up?

I didn’t face any of my worst match-ups for my deck which I believe are Slime and Chainsaw Man. Both decks can create strong boards that my deck can not climb over. This lets them acquire a damage lead as they get to push damage through empty lanes as well as lower the need for them to clock for turn as they can maintain free hand advantage.

Amongst my opponents in the tourney, I had the most difficulty against my opponent who played Da Capo. He generated memory compression in his first deck, and I had trouble keeping up in damage in the mid-game. I didn’t get to resolve many copies of my level one combo, so I struggled to maintain hand and sculpt my endgame. Going into my final turn, I only had one Ney in hand; however, I got lucky and drew one after I clocked for the turn as well as hitting a brainstorm to get three in total. I was one hand off from being able to triple combo entering my attack phase, but I ended up hitting a plussing trigger for hand, allowing to me to push with my last Ney that secured me the game.

Is there any memorable moment that occurred during the tourney?

The most memorable moment during the tourney must have been my incredible luck during my last turn against my Da Capo opponent.

What is your favourite part of this series?

Sunk cost fallacy. I have invested too much into the mobile game, and I cannot escape its grasp. Puzzle and Dragons holds my soul, and if I ever try to get away from Amaterasu, she will come out of my phone and choke me alive.

How do you feel about the current Japanese sets?

The current Japanese meta feels very diverse. There are many series to choose from, and each deck feels like it plays a different style which I enjoy.

Any shout-outs?

Shout-outs to Wilmer. He is the LeBron James of Weiss Schwarz of Toronto. Shout-outs as well to the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) Weiss Schwarz community.

Any changes you would like to suggest to the tournament/format?

I’m fine with the current Swiss format. Toronto does need more spots badly though. Having to get top two in a 40+ person tournament means having to get five straight wins, which is pretty rough. Hopefully, with the large turnout we had, we’ll be allowed to have more qualifying spots next year.

Final words?

Roy did end up buying me the 1/0 Shiyoko card.


Level 0 (15):
PAD/S105-086U – 夏休みの約束・バーバラ&ジュリ x1
PAD/S105-080S-SR – 冥星の喜女神・ウルカ x1
PAD/S105-076SP-SP – カラット&シルク&カメオ x1
PAD/S105-079S-SR – 悠然のギタリスト・ソニア=クレア x3
PAD/S105-059U – 初日の朱雀姫・レイラン x1
PAD/S105-026SP-SP – ダイヤ&ゴールド&グリーンガチャドラ x1
PAD/S105-001SP-SP – アマテラス&ツクヨミ x4
PAD/S105-008U – 麒麟の化身・サクヤ x1
PAD/S105-005S-SR – サッカー部のストライカー・キオ x2

Level 1 (8):
PAD/S105-077S-SR – 納涼の箏龍楽士・ミナカ x4
PAD/S105-011U – 正月の傾奇神・前田慶次 x4

Level 2 (6):
PAD/S105-089U – 相克の陰陽龍・リュウウンサイ x1
PAD/S105-006S-SR – 天極の黄龍帝・ファガン -RAI- x4
PAD/S105-021C – 転生貂蝉 x1

Level 3 (13):
PAD/S105-078SP-SP – 堕天使ルシファー&熾天使ルシファー x3
PAD/S105-032S-SR – 樹望龍の癒し手・アリナ x4
PAD/S105-003SP-SP – 甘美の零龍喚士・ネイ x4
PAD/S105-104PR – 輝虹の花嫁・エスカマリ x2

Climaxes (8):
PAD/S105-024R-RRR – 超転生ラー=ドラゴン x4
PAD/S105-098R-RRR – 波際の管龍楽士・マリエル x4