Grisaia – Clinging Wish Revisited (B/G/Y) [03/06/2023]

Amane and Kazuki were close friends back in their youth. After a tragic accident, Amane was left all alone to fend for herself. Years later, she managed to form a family with the other girls of her new school while acting as their pristine and slightly perverted older sister.

We are revisiting this article and updating this deck profile.

Kazuki and Amane are the main pairing for our early game combo. Kazuki generates a large amount of stock with her combo if your opponent cancels, placing two characters from your waiting room into your stock. Amane is the second pairing for the combo as a backrow assist with the ability to pay her hefty stock cost and spawn their two soul climax from the waiting room.

If we are able to continuously loop Kazuki, we can easily spend Amane’s three stock cost per turn to constantly repeat the combo.

GRI/S84-106S-SR サンセットビーチ 一姫

Kazuki above can be considered to be an extra combo piece. As a stock charger on reverse with a climax, she can be pseudo paired with Amane as a means to gain even more stock for the deck should the 1/0 combo Kazuki be unavailable. Keep in mind that Kazuki does require a reverse and gives a cannot side demerit to all your other characters.

To make use of our large amount of stock, Yuuji and Kazuki above will be the perfect payoff. Yuuji and Kazuki is a Musashi profile the turn they are placed on field from hand. Furthermore, when their climax is in play, you may pay their cost when they swing to deal two instances of one point of damage (potentially triggering the Musashi within any of those triggers).

In terms of other great utility cards to play, the Amagi profile Kazuki on the left can be used to procure hand as the level one combo pair only adds additional stock. Furthermore, her mill can be used to fill the waiting room for the combo. Early play Kazuki on the right can be another way to preserve hand as she spawns a cost zero from the clock on-play for a single stock, giving us an additional beater and effectively healing us as well.

Given the insane stock cost requirements for Yuuji and Kazuki (needing a minimum of thirteen stock before combat phase if you were to field three and do all their effects), the best option we have to build up that amount is to try and loop Kazuki to the best of our ability.

Amane is a Riko profile that can potentially fetch Kazuki from waiting room. Sachi is a drop salvage with the bonus of milling two cards on-play, potentially milling Kazuki into our waiting room for her effect or other cards we could use. Lastly, 0/0 Kazuki is an on-play Riki profile that can salvage any character.

GRI/S72-08S-1S-SR 夕闇に伸びる影 由美子

Given that the deck is tri-colour, Yumiko is a very great addition to fix our hand and also adjust our colours. She directly places a character from our hand into clock, letting us choose and grab the colour we need while filtering through the top three cards of our deck. This works well in conjunction with the early play Kazuki, potentially letting us spawn out the card purposely placed into clock. It is key to note that she can grab anything as this works perfectly with the backup event below.

GRI/S72-096U 振り向けば幸がいる

Sachi above is an expensive rest counter that can save our cards and protect our clock if used at the opportune moment. As we make such an enormous amount of stock, we can offset Sachi’s stock costs, using her as an interrupt to our opponent’s plans. Furthermore, we can grab Sachi hopefully off Yumiko as well.

Even though Amane is older, Kazuki takes the top position in their relationship. As such, the gameplan should primarily be resorting to finding ways to loop Kazuki back to hand or field. The J.C. Kazuki is great to place in the backrow to bounce Kazuki back to hand on the following turn when your opponent swings. She’s also great because she mills the deck and can potentially power up one of your Kazukis to help with reversing on your turn. The Makina Riki can work as both a global assist and a means to maintain hand in the early game.

Yuuji is a drop searcher that can also act as a power pump on swing, helping with reversals, particularly for our pseudo combo Kazuki. With the end of the tragedy known as Angelic Howl, Amane is finally able to move on past her survivor guilt. Reunite Kazuki and Yuuji together to form the ultimate family to take down your opponent.