Little Busters! – Quad-Colour Parade (G/R/Y/B) [01/09/2023]

What is your favourite colour? Well, it doesn’t really matter. Rainbow is the only colour you need. Well, rainbow itself isn’t exactly a colour. It is an amalgamation of colours separated by strips. When light passes through various floating rain drops, colours become spread out with a variety reflected based on the various angles they are reflected from. Well, that’s about it for this science lesson because this is a deck profile article after all.

Did you know that red is the most visible colour in the colour spectrum? Anyways, Saya in her “special” outfit is the finisher for the deck. When she attacks with her climax in play, you must mill the top three cards of your deck and then you deal damage to your opponent equal to the number of different colours milled.

Small little Kud is the early combo of choice. Kud doubles as both our pseudo brainstorm and advantage combo. Her combo ability only functions when we are at level one or higher. At the start of our encore phase, if her climax is in play, you may sacrifice it and reveal the top two cards of your deck. You may add a single yellow, green, blue, and red character. Kud can only add one character of each colour. Any other card is sent to the waiting room. Her secondary ability allows her to perform a brainstorm-like ability and add any level one or higher card to your hand.

Klb/W78-025C 意外な優しさ 佐々美

As a multi-colour deck, it is essential that we run Ms. Salami above. When she’s played from hand, you must reveal the top three cards of your deck, and if all three cards are different colours, you may choose a card from among them and add it to your hand. Additionally, Sazuki lets you swap the bottom card of your clock with that of an Anniversary (Anniversary) or Sports (スポーツ) character from your waiting room, helping you fix your colours to play your cards.

LB/WC02-E13RE “筋肉の革命児”真人

Before we go any further, let me introduce you to the hero of our deck, Masato. Now you may have heard of him from our Muscle deck post earlier, but he has a much more important role here. Masato is a cheap way to generate extra hand, as, when you fulfill his condition of having another green and yellow character on your stage, you may pay his costs to salvage a character. Given that this deck runs every colour, Masato thrives quite well here, and considering that the early combo Kud is green as is, we’ll only need the yellow requirement. Sasami herself can also help with fixing our colours so we can play the good boy out as early as we can.

LB/W02-E04C “兄貴分”恭介

In addition to Masato, we have our cool boy returning back with his edgy nightlook flair. Kyousuke gains an extra soul should you meet his colour requirements, helping to push our opponent’s clock cheaply.

Now since Kud needs another back row card to perform her “brainstorm” ability, either of the supports above are great options. Both of the Natsume siblings carry some form of interactivity whenever your opponent salvages a character to hand. Kyousuke is an assist that grants power in front equal to the number of your total assists. More importantly, whenever any player, including yourself, salvages during the attack step, they must choose and discard two cards from hand. Masato is a salvage option and so is the gate trigger for Saya during the attack step; however, you can simply choose not to use them. Rin, on the other hand, grants a constant 1500 power to your center field character, but more importantly, whenever your opponent salvages a characters, you may blind stock the top card of your deck. This works for any salvage trigger, as long as its for a character, and may prime during a salvage brainstorm, a Riko ability, etc. Depending on your matchups and choices, both of these options can be great. Additionally, since they are yellow and Kud is green, they automatically fulfill the conditions needed for Masato.

Kurugaya is our front line soldier. Many of her cards help shuffle cards from our waiting room to gain extra power or abilities. The reason we may wish to do this is to increase the variety of colours present in our deck for Kud’s combo. Furthermore, given the variance of Kurugaya’s colours, they can make it much more likely for us to gain hand through Kud’s combo. Kurugaya on the left is a climax swapper that is also a cost zero stock reverser. Kurugaya with the mask in the center is a large beater that gains power and double trigger if you shuffle two characters back. Kurugaya on the right in an apron can shuffle two characters back for more power.

In terms of some other supports, Komari and Rin on the left is an assist that also allows you to sacrifice her to hand-fix with your clock. Our boy, Riki, is here to grab our pieces in the early game while adding more colours to our deck and potentially fixing colours in our clock. Rin is a drop search for Anniversary, Animal (物語), or traitless characters, primarily that of Kud, Riki, Kyousuke, and herself. She’s also a coinflip profile upon reverse, potentially bouncing back to hand and helping us maintain advantage.

As a multi-colour deck, Riki in a wedding dress is an automatic inclusion. Furthermore, Riki himself can be used to get rid of annoying threats on stage by kicking them to the top of our opponent’s deck for a cheap cost. Kyousuke can be used regardless of colour and is stock anti-change reverser. Riki is a level assist that can be played regardless of colour and has an on-play climax swap ability. These cards are great especially because they benefit off of our colour synergies, may be played without meeting colour requirement, and are level twos so they can assist our Rin with her coinflip chance.

As for late game, there are plenty of options to choose from. Saya is can be quite expensive, so it would be wise to have cheaper off-finishers that may cost hand rather than stock. Rin is a neat stock healer that does carry an expensive secondary damage ability. Saya herself is a Fumio profile to refresh your opponent’s deck.

In terms of counters, most of the time, your cards are weak during your opponent’s turn and not particularly worth saving (except maybe Wedding Dress Riki). Regardless of which, here are some suggestions. Kanata’s backup is great because she’s an anti-change backup that costs hand rather than stock, saving that resource for Saya later. Kyousuke is a rare level zero backup that can also give a character a level, saving them from level reversers.

Some other cards to consider are that shown above. Kyousuke in his formal wear is a clean cut profile that can save your other cards in the early game. Kud in her sailor suit bikini is an early play that heals and has Animal trait encore. Saya in her swimsuit is an early play cantrip profile. Komari in the sunlight is a cheap finisher that costs hand instead of stock. Kyousuke rocking his guitar is a Musashi profile. Sasami holding a cat is a clock kick profile on the turn she’s played that costs a single discard. Mio in the shower has a scry ability on play and can be used as a cheap way of killing your opponent’s threats in the front row if you happen to mill a climax with her second ability.

Colours are magical. Colours bring life to this world. The wonderful array of distinct blends and flavours decorate the world with uniqueness and freshness. Make sure to juggle your clock and level’s colours to ensure you can play the cards you need. Use the united friendships of the Little Busters! crew to bring you victory.