Madoka Magica – Fermented Milk feat. Mami (Y) [12/25/2022]

In order to make cheese, there are a few ingredients that you require to create this beautiful artisan craft. Firstly, you need raw milk that you must heat. Following this procedure, through the addition of the enzyme rennet, the milk will slowly turn into the amazing cheese curd. Lastly, you’ll need to strain the curd and chop it up. With the addition of a few changes and ingredients, you can customize the product to suit your own tastes with a variety of different sizes, smells, colours and textures.

As a disclaimer, we are not professional cheesemakers and assume no responsibility for any damages incurred for the information provided.

You can consider level three Mami to be the rennet to the raw milk which is the level zero resonator to the left. Additionally, the resonator here pumps additional power to your Mami should you wish to play her from hand. The resonator is essential to the deck as she churns through while grabbing you pieces to add to hand consistently each turn.

Mami with her gun is the early combo of choice. As you can see in her climax, she has cornered one of the most heinous thieves known to mankind, a cheese thief (cheese is one of the most stolen items in the world). By sending the evil villain to purgatory, Mami maintains the protection of the lactate-based milk product. Mami secures you hand at a cost, but it is more than worth it to protect the milky goods.

To help maintain the field, Mami with her crown (because she’s the queen) is a costless 7000 powered beatstick if you have a copy of her crowned chibi form of her on stage. Nagisa is an Apples combo with that of her Mami bonder on the right. Nagisa gains permanent power as long as you have a character with Mami [マミ] on strange. Speaking of which, her bonder grants her permanent hand encore and power.

Another combo we run to “cheese” our opponent is that of the Mami change package above. The Mami to the left is a global assist that can change into the Mami on the right at the start of your draw phase. Mami’s level three card is a beater that gains an on-cancel ping whenever her damage is cancelled on the turn she’s played from hand or through the change ability. Perhaps at an opportune time when you’re just one damage short of finishing your opponent, “cheese” Mami onto the field and secure the victory.

MR/W80-019C 物騒な自己紹介 マミ

This Mami above is a very great option to slot into your deck as a cheap way to retain hand. Upon reverse, Mami gracefully places herself into clock, and then you may reveal the top of your deck and add it to hand if it is a character.

MR/W80-010S-SR 神浜聖女の噂 マミ

Lastly, god queen Mami, master of all that is holy and made of milk, is our ultimate finisher. As the holy queen of le fromage, she can be played without colour requirement (obviously). She’s a healer that has an almighty finishing ability where upon smiting her opponent, she may pay her costs and clock the top card of your opponent’s deck.

MM/W35-022U 新しい出会い

If you have the extra resources, you too can be like Mami and Nagisa and visit the richest place in the world, the cheese aisle at the grocery store. After spending some unholy amount of money, you can purchase the stacks of edible gold while also granting all your characters power and the ability to deal a single point of damage whenever their damage is cancelled.

If you choose to run backups, Mami is your choice of guard. Mami’s 1/0 backup is a free backup that also carries level one shift to hand fix with your clock. Mami also has her vanilla counter on the right, ready to show your opponent the true power of lactose intolerance.

Cheese lovers Mami and Nagisa are ready to defend this delectable treasure. Mami striking a pose is a Rize profile that adds any yellow character while also having an on-play ability to rearrange the top two cards of your deck. Mami & Nagisa is a drop search profile for any character. Void staring Mami has the ability to modulate the level of one of your characters by one while additionally potentially being a power and soul booster at the start of your attack phase should you meet her conditions. Furthermore, she’s also a level three killer. Mami casually smiling has a SHIFT [シフト] ability to modulate your clock while also being a heavily costed searcher on play. Lastly, if you want some more power and hand-retention, Mami wielding her rifles is a Taigei profile with clock encore.

Cheese-making is a very serious and dedicated process. With the arrival of the industrial age, cheeses were now available to be made in large processing factories. Artisan cheeses, as a result, took a huge hit as a result with a steep decline in production. Varieties were still created and innovation continued in local communities and historical areas of its making. Its tastes and craft, based on years of history and innovation, were never forgotten. And as of recent, artisanal cheeses have been making a comeback.