Zombieland Saga – Sakura’s Revenge on Fate (R/B) [11/13/2022]

It was an exciting day for Sakura, but unbeknownst to her, fate was waiting to give her a wonderful surprise. As she blissfully leaves her house, fate decides to assassinate her by granting her a meeting with the almighty Truck-kun. Just like many of Truck-kun’s victims, Sakura finds herself reborn but this time as a zombie. She now begins her new “un-life” and aims to live it to its fullest while enacting her revenge on fate.

Sakura steps up to the stage with her level 3 finisher and aims to seek vengeance with a string of attacks. When she attacks, a cost can be paid for Sakura to begin her assault with a measly burn one. If the burn is canceled, she follows it up with a burn two. If that gets canceled, then Sakura unleashes her wrath and enacts her vengeance by sending the top three cards of your opponent’s deck into their clock (this does not count as damage).

To help her level 3 combo secure its maximum damage, Sakura makes her debut with her level 2 back-row above. Her climax combo is a Moca profile; although, it has a couple of conditions relating to EXPERIENCE and RECOLLECTION. Sakura requires the Revenge on Fate event to be in your level zone, and the number of cards she checks is based on the number of her level 1 combo in memory. Outside of her combo, Sakura can pump a cross-turn global 2000 power boost until the end of your opponent’s turn if the Revenge on Fate event is in your waiting room.

The level 1 combo in the middle is the card needed for the previously mentioned Moca profile. Sakura’s climax combo performs an on-reverse salvage and will send itself to memory at the end of your turn. Sakura’s level 1 on the left can help send her combo to memory while providing other benefits. When played, she can send a copy of your level 1 combo from your waiting room to your memory. When her opponent becomes reversed, a cost can paid to reveal the top two cards of your deck and your opponent chooses an event or character from among them that gets added to your hand. It should be noted that the level 1 combo can only be sent to memory if your memory has two or less cards.

ZLS/W93-068R 運命へのリベンジ

The rest of Franchouchou have also suffered a cruel fate as they join Sakura in taking their revenge on fate. When their event is played, you can reveal up to three cards from your deck and add a character to hand. After resolving that effect, the event can be sent to your waiting room, memory, or swapped with a card in your level zone. Make sure that the event is sent to the appropriate zone to trigger certain effects and to fix color. Do note the event can be played without meeting color requirements and you can run a maximum of seven copies.

Sakura’s card on the left provides a global power, gives the Revenge on Fate event a soul trigger in any zone, and most importantly allows you to ditch the event to perform a salvage. Her card in the middle is a level 0 reverse bomb and can bond to the event from your waiting room. Lastly, her card on the right can pump a character with a 500 power boost if any of your characters reverse their opponents and has two salvage brainstorm effects. These options are as follows: you can either rest herself to brainstorm five cards to hit the event or rest two characters to brainstorm four cards that hit climaxes. Either way, you salvage for either of each event or climax revealed through the brainstorm ability. Be sure to utilize Sakura’s cards to unleash the true potential of the Revenge on Fate event.

With fierce determination, Sakura stands firm and ready to confront whatever fate throws at her during her second life. When she attacks, her level 1 climax combo allows you to reveal up to four cards and add a character from among them. Be sure to utilize this combo to generate a waiting room and set up for the end game.

ZLS/W93-064C 門出の日 ゆうぎり

Considering that many cards within the deck have very low defense power or send themselves to other zones, backups aren’t too important, but Yuguri’s backup can be considered if wanted. While her backup effect can pump 1500 power, her main appeal is that she is a J.C. effect on field. This can be used to loop combos or on-play effects on your next turn.

Sakura continues to fight against fate as the rest of Franchouchou rallies around her while she fights. Ai’s level 1 can help generate stock for Sakura’s end game combo as she gains a 500 power boost and an on-reverse blind stock ability at the beginning of both players’ climax phases if the Revenge on Fate event is in your waiting room . Lily’s Riki spawns a costless character from your deck when she’s played from hand. The spawned character must be equal to or lower than your level. Finally, Tae’s early play can stock heal while getting a 4500 power boost and the ability to hand fix.

Despite fate cutting her life short, Sakura has made her dreams realized during her life as a zombie through Franchouchou. Though fate will continue to throw many trials and challenges her way, Sakura, along with the rest of Franchouchou, will continue to strive forward to make it to the top.