Zombieland Saga – Revenge with Saki (Y/R) [08/16/2022]

Punching is the act of taking one’s fist and forcefully shoving it into another medium and one of the fundamentals of combat. Whether you are fighting in a ring or brawling it out on the streets, the ol’ reliable one-two combo will see you through.

From gang leader to #1 in Franchoucou, no matter the challenger, Saki stands her ground and will gladly get scrappy for victory. Saki’s finisher doesn’t need any fancy pings or milling effects; all she needs is her fists. At the end of her attack, you may pay her costs and RESONATE the Revenge on Fate event to restand Saki with her climax in play. Additionally, if you have the Revenge on Fate event in your level zone, her on-play effect allows you to draw two, discard two, and blind stock the top card of your deck.

If you have two or more other characters and Saki knocks out her opponent, she allows you to perform two effects in any order. The first is to level down an opponent, and the second allows you to look up to four cards and add a character or Revenge on Fate event. With the combination of her immense burst power and her ability to level down an opponent, Saki can secure her reverses with great ease.

ZLS/W93-068R 運命へのリベンジ

As Franchouchou’s #1, Saki takes her position at the band’s center and rallies her members onward. The group’s event allows you to check up three cards from the top of your deck and add a character from them. After the event is used, you can send the event to memory, waiting room, or swap it with a card in your level zone. It should be noted the event can be played without meeting its color requirement and you can run a maximum of seven copies.

If there is a problem, punch your way through, and if that doesn’t work, keep punching harder. There’s nothing that punching can’t solve. Got pesky level two issues? Beat it up with Saki’s level two killer on the left. Your opponent early played a level three card? Smack it away with Saki’s level three killer in the center. On top of that, when one of your characters is attacked, she can send herself to waiting room to pump them with additional power for the turn. If your opponent still hasn’t kicked the bucket, Saki’s pseudo finisher allows you to bounce an opposing character and ping damage when she direct attacks.

While Saki kicks off her flurry of punches, the rest of Franchoucou jumps into the mosh pit to help their #1. Junko’s clean cut profile is a nice way to help preserve board in the early game as she gain additional power when one of your other characters attacks. Lily’s card in the middle refunds the top card of your deck to your hand if it’s a level zero character upon being reversed. Lily’s card on the right can potentially punch with increased burst power if a climax is milled and can jump back to hand if the top card of your deck is a level one or higher at the start of your opponent’s draw phase.

Saki and crew can get pretty tired after they have pummeled their opponents into submission. Yuguri’s backup is also a J.C profile that allows your tired members to flee so that they may fight again another day. Although, if your board still has some fight left in them, Lily’s memory kick backup can help permanently knock out some pesky opposition.

With a huge grin, Saki’s salvage brainstomer is a nice way to help maintain your board’s momentum during combat as she can pump power when your characters get a reverse. Saki singing on stage can potentially begin her performance with a soul buff if she mills a climax. If her damage is cancelled, she jumps back to hand and pumps herself up for an encore performance. Sakura bonds to the Revenge on Fate event from waiting room while also being a reverse bomb that targets level zeros.

In her new unlife, Saki has to conduct herself in a manner that slightly goes against her morals and values as a gang leader. Despite this, she continues to fulfill her role as a leader with her hardened determination and the brute strength of her fists.