The “Adachi” Profile

Adachi, otherwise known as early play killer, is a very powerful effect that works exclusively to get rid of “cheated” out targets or targets that should not exist on board depending on your opponent’s level.

P4/S08-067C 署内一の頭脳派 足立

Our man above, Adachi, is the carrying namesake of the card effect. Believed to be the first printing of such an effect, Adachi has a single purpose: annihilate any higher leveled targets. Whenever an Adachi is reversed, the opponent facing them will also be reversed as well, assuming they are specifically higher level than their opponent’s current level. This means that Adachis are fine-tuned to killing cheated out targets. They are primarily decent ways to dealing with early play targets without costing a large amount of stock or hand. However, since they are reversed, they have the potential to leave a gap in your open front row.

Adachis have mostly stayed the same as the game has progressed. Newer Adachis carry multiple different kinds of reversing abilities, being able to knock their opposing cards to different zones in the game such as to the stock zone or the clock zone. Knocking their respective opposing cards to these other zones makes it harder for the opponent to recur these cards with any annoying encore based abilities.

Adachis are great cheap solutions to cheated early played targets. Comparatively to the standard anti-early play backup, they are a much lower cost. They are also a body on the field, meaning damage is still dealt when the Adachi swings. There is one down side to the card. If the opponent levels up during the Adachi swing, the opposing card will no longer be a valid target for the Adachi effect.

Also, since the Adachi is a field based beater, a very common way to reuse its ability is to sneak a clean cut effect to follow up after the card. This ensures that the Adachi is brought back to the field. Since Adachi is a persistent ability that works as long as its conditions are met, opponents crashing into the Adachi can also trigger its ability. Having any field swapping abilities can also make Adachi into a potential nightmare for your opponent. Make good use of Adachi’s great reversing ability!