Wooser – Destroy the World (Y) [12/28/2021]

Weiss Schwarz was a mistake. Humanity shall crumble. Society’s existence was never meant to be. If you believe in all the thoughts above, this is the perfect deck for you. The friendliest love-able creature, Woozer, loves nothing more than ending the pathetic lives on this small world. His overwhelming power is only stopped by the forces of his friend, Ren.

Woo/SE19-014TD 世界を滅ぼしたい うーさー

As the name of the deck implies, the goal is to eradicate humanity. By that, in game terms, the definition is to obliterate everything that exists on the field, both yours and your opponent’s of course. Woozer is a one-card finisher, the only finisher you need, and he does his job quite well. Woozer nukes the field, leaving himself as the only survivor remaining. Exactly as intended.

No world destroyer can accomplish their goals completely alone. Careful provisions and preparations are needed to truly account for every individual living being primed for deletion. As such, the combo above helps to ensure the necessary pieces can be made ready for Woozer’s debut at level 3.

To reach the ultimate status of being the ender of worlds, Woozer needs to undergo various experiences that helps him understand the weakness of his prey. Woozer preparing his weapon to the left acts as consistent form of maintaining hand and field presence at the cost of life (a measly payment to secure the ultimate goal). Woozer being defeated on the right is a necessary step in his growth cycle. No end game boss can truly grow (and potentially gain stock) without experiencing missteps.

As for the back-row and to provide support to your upcoming plans for world devastation, the following cards above are suggested. There aren’t many mill options for the deck if any at all. So the following cards act as means to gain advantage and push you further ahead.

The card to the left is the most important out of the bunch for the sheer fact that it can act as a forced draw, potentially grabbing you into you end game pieces while making use of your large stock gains. The center card generates more stock for the later turns while acting as a slight “mill”.

Lastly, the event on your right is a means of finding your pieces since it looks for any Mystery (謎) character off the four cards of your deck. It also provides a slight boost to one of your characters to help you push further into the game. The measly cost of one life is far worth it to push forward for more damage.

Before Woozer can accomplish his goal of melting out all life, sometimes he needs to stabilise a bit before he can start doomsday. The cards above help accomplish this goal as the level assist to the left can change into the healer on the right. Ideally, the queen and her king can stall long enough until your opponent is ready to feel the wrath of the world destroyer.

Woo/SE19-018TD 第一部・完

As for the other climax suggestion, the goal is very simple. The above climax is just used to bolt your opponent all the way to death. Furthermore, there’s no better climax than the one above with Ren and Woozer waving goodbye to your opponent as their life comes to a bitter end.

Woozer brings around the doom, but he cannot do so without the power of his comrades. Even if the goal is to bring about the erasure of life, one should always seek friends to accomplish these feats. Friendship rises above all, so even if you’re dream is to bring about the apocalypse, make sure to drag a friend along to be by your side as you both wipe out everything together.