Deep in the world of the video game, Elder Tale, Shiroe and his friends organize to learn and survive in this unknown fantasy world. Through their guild of Log Horizon, they manage to co-operate and work with fellow guilds to explore the strange mysteries of the world surrounding them.

LH/SE20-09R 乙女心 アカツキ (center)
LH/SE20-24C ふたりでワルツを (right)
The main finisher of the deck is shown above. The Akatsuki on the left, LH/SE20-03SP-SP, is a healing finisher that gains 4000 power and the ability to deal one damage to your opponent when she reverses her opposing card with the climax in play. She’s a formidable card which gains essentially 5000 power with the climax in play alone, making her a 15000 power beater without any other assists on the field. The center Akatsuk is her changer that also comes with a nifty effect of being a hand filter for the top card of your deck on play for Weapon (武器) or Magic (魔法) characters.

To help gain advantage early, the combo above is suggested. William Massachusetts is a beater that gains 500 power for each of your other Weapon or Magic characters. When he swings with the climax on the right, you may reveal the top card of your deck and if that card is either a Weapon or Magic character, you may add it to your hand. The combo is simple and fairly easy to get off while not requiring a reverse. William himself is a fairly decent body being at 6000 power assuming you are at full field without considering any other assists.

LH/SP02-02PS 美少女アイドル?てとら (center)
LH/SE20-31R 記録の地平線 にゃん太 (right)
Some other interesting cards to note are shown above. The Isuzu on the left acts as a hand filter that lets you exchange a climax in hand for a Weapon or Magic character from your waiting room. Whenever she direct attacks, she can pump another character on your field by 1500 power. The Tetra in the center is an anti-level reverser that gets rid of early played or cheated targets. Additionally, when Tetra reverses his opponent, you can perform a hand swap with a character in your waiting room. The Nyanta on the right has a nice ability to sending himself to waiting room when another one of your characters is front attacked to let you bounce that character back to hand. Furthermore, you may rest two Magic characters to let him side without any soul penalty.

LH/SE20-28RR 記録の地平線代表 シロエ (center)
LH/SE20-15U 妖術師 ルンデルハウス (right)
The cards above are some recommendations to help further push for your end-game. The Akatsuki on the left is an early play beater that lets you check the top cards of your deck equal to the number of Weapon or Magic characters you have on stage. She can be used to prepare and set-up for your level three turn.
The Shiroe in the center has a rare effect of preventing you from taking damage from your opponent’s 【自】effects which can be devastating depending on the match-up. He is also a level assist that grants 1000 power multiplied by your character’s level rather than the usual 500. Additionally, when one of your other characters reverses their opponent, you may pay his costs to grant your character a -2 soul effect until the end of your opponent’s next turn.
The Rundelhaus on the right is a large beater with the ability to pay a heavy cost and deal five damage to your opponent when he swings (damage can be cancelled). His damaging ability does not require a climax, so he can be used as a potential secondary finisher.

Backups are potentially used depending on your build. The Minori backup on the left is a free 2000 powered backup if you possess a Shiroe character on your field. The Akatsuki backup on the right has an ability where you may pay her costs to shuffle your waiting room back into your deck to potentially help with cancelling damage.
Here are a few more potential suggestions. Do your best and push your opponent to three. Then finish them off with the power of Akatsuki! Don’t underestimate Shiroe’s abilities since they do have the potential to save you at times. Given Shiroe’s base boost, there’s a high chance that your Akatsukis do survive your opponent’s turn. Show your opponent the power within the database!