Nichijou – Tri-Combo Friends (Y) [10/07/2021]

In Nichijou, a trio of close knit friends live out their daily lives in the town of Tokisadame. They carry out normal adventures in this completely normal town. Nothing of interest happens as the girls follow an ordinary daily routine between going to school and having days off. This deck is based upon the three normal girls, Yuuko, Mio and Mai.

The trio as mentioned are shown above. The cards above also form a powerful three card level 1 board. Your early game will revolve around these cards and mainly trying to bring them out to establish board presence. Each of the cards gain an effect depending if one of the other specified characters is on the stage.

Mai, NJ/WE11-02R, acts as the back-row support that also gains the ability to tap and provide a character with a level and 1500 power for the turn if NJ/WE11-03R is present on the field. The Mio, NJ/WE11-03R, conversely gains power if there is a NJ/WE11-04R is on the field. Lastly, Yuuko, NJ/WE11-04R, lets you give one of your other characters a soul if she reverses a character and NJ/WE11-02R is on the field.

The deck does not carry any early game combos. However, there is an interesting combo at level two where Mio reaches her full potential. When paired with the bounce climax to the right, she gains the ability to choose between one of two effects for the turn when she swings and paying a stock. These two effects are to either:

  • Have Mio gain 6000 power for the turn and an additional soul
  • Have Mio gain the ability to kick any cost 1 or lower cost characters to stock on reverse

Choose the effect you need according to the situation.

There isn’t a finisher for this deck, however, there is the Yuuko above. This Yuuko above heals while providing field control with her climax combo. Her climax combo lets you pay a stock when the climax is played to bounce one of your opponent’s characters to hand and give all your characters 2000 power for the turn.

To help push support your early level 1 game along with maintain hand advantage, cards like the above are highly suggested.

The Yuuko on the left, NJ/WE11-01R, is a global 500 support during your turn while having an active ability to pay stock and tap itself to search you deck for either a Glasses (メガネ) or Buddha Statue (仏像) character. It is important to note that she doesn’t have any traits herself. The Mai on the right, NJ/WE11-08C, is a tap self brainstorm that only searches for a level 1 or lower character to hand.

NJ/WE11-37PR おやすみ なの&はかせ

The counter above is off-trait and can’t be searched with NJ/WE11-01R. However, it is level 1 meaning that NJ/WE11-08C can find it. If you plan to run counters, any counters at all, this is a highly suggested option simply because paying a stock for 2000 powered backup isn’t worth it. You have better things to do with your stock.

There aren’t too many other suggestions to run considering that the set was a single extra booster set only. Regardless, bore you opponent to death with the mundane lifestyle of Yuuko, Mio and Mai. Use the power of pure ordinariness and simplicity to make your opponent quake in fear.