Bocchi – D*rito Drummer (Y) [02/13/2024]

Who is Kessoku Band’s drummer with the chipper attitude? Well, that’s Nijika of course, and with the blessing of the almighty D*ritos she’s na-cho average drummer. What is a D*rito? Well, it is a divine force that dwells among the masses. It takes a special individual to truly understand the secrets hidden behind a D*rito’s cheesy and triangular divinity.

Stepping up to the plate, Nijika’s finisher arises and focuses on chipping away at your opponent’s life by looping copies of herself during the attack phase. After she chips her opponent, she dips out by going to memory while spawning a character from waiting room. When played from hand or through her finisher’s effect, she allows you to draw and discard two cards, and blind stock the top card of your deck.

Blessed with the power of N*cho Ch*ese and the rest of the rest of the D*rito flavour spectrum, your opponent can tri any angle to stop Nijika but she will ultimately prevail in the end. When Nijika’s combo attacks with a full field, she chooses a character in your waiting room and either adds it to hand or sends it to stock. Her combo allows you to choose which resource is needed for the situation at hand, and on top of that, her combo possessing a soul trigger allows herself to be a target for the choice effect. As a condiment to Nijika’s nacho perfection, when Ryo is reversed, she can spawn Nijika’s combo from deck.

目指せ!ロックスター! 伊地知虹夏

A big issue for Nijika’s finisher is the hand cost. Unlike with stock, we can’t easily stockpile hand due to the hand limit. Gifted by the forces of Co*l R*nch, Nijika’s salvage braistormer can help you keep more hand by increasing your handsize by one. Like her level one combo, her brainstormer also possesses a soul trigger as well, making it another target for the choice trigger.

If you’re in a pinch for stock Nijika has a couple of extra ways to chip in some extra stock. When her stock charger on the left attacks with a climax in play, she checks your deck’s top card and sends it to stock if its level is one or higher. Her card in the center can send itself to stock if you cancel damage during her battle. Lastly, Nijika on the right is a backrow assist that allows you to rest two characters and discard a copy of itself to send the top two cards of your deck to stock.

Dictated by the laws of Sw*et Ch*li He*at, the deck must be composed of purely choice climaxes, heed these laws and you will be gifted accordingly. Nijika is a draw brainstormer that pumps immense burst power when a yellow climax is played. Nijika’s power pump can pair nicely with Bocchi. If Bocchi reverses an opponent while a choice climax is in play, she allows you to draw two cards and discard two cards. Bocchi’s force draw can help you mill through the deck while possibly grabbing a climax for the next turn.

Nijika also possesses some useful backups that can cheese our opponent’s plan. Nijika’s backup on the left is a Leafa counter, allowing us to handfix and slightly mill the deck. Her backup on the right is a memory kick counter, allowing us to remove annoying opposition.

As we reach the end we have a couple more suggestions to serve up that can help round out Nijika’s D*rito packed deck. Sobbing Nijika is an early play whose conditions require you to have six or more climaxes in your waiting room, but her on-play effect allows you to freely refresh your deck. Panicked Bocchi is a bulky clean cut allowing you to preserve hand during the early game. Cartoon Nijika is a bulky level three killer, helping us deal with tough late game opponents. Nijika passing drinks is a variant of the Helmet profile that searches the deck, allowing us to secure pieces while preserving stock. Nijika with laundry is an on-play salvage Riki profile that also carries a runner ability, possibly preserving hand in the early game and assisting with setup. Lastly, Bocchi calling out is a Fumio profile which can help make Nijika’s chip and dip combo more potent.

All hail the almighty D*ritos, and blessed be their avatar that they sent to bless us, ignorant masses, with a beautiful symphony from the beat of her drums. Surely, with her D*rito powers, the legacy of her and her band will be echoed throughout all of time.