FAIRY TAIL – Key of Memories (G) [02/23/2025]

Almost a decade later, Fairy Tail received a new batch of support which commemorates the sequel to Fairy Tail, The 100 Years Quest. Rejoin Natsu and the gang as they go on a brand new adventure involving, as you guessed it, more dragons and magic.

New Lucy plays around with a special event that you must spend your game sending to memory. For each copy of her event, she gains additional power. Also, during the turn she’s played from hand, she gains a cross-turn minus two soul demerit to the character in front of her. Lastly, with her combo, she mills your opponent’s deck multiplied by seven times the number of her event in your memory.

FT/S120-046S-SR 星霊の鍵のさらなる力

With her key of immaculate power bestowed upon her by the celestial spirits, Lucy sends her cherished weapon to memory while salvaging a character of her choice and potentially refunding stock through the top of your deck if that card is level two or higher.

In the early game, to achieve full spirit power, Lucy allows you to perform a Maguro combo with her climax and nab either a character or event. Additionally, if you have a card in memory, Lucy gains massive power during your turn and additional power against level two or higher cards.

In order to grab our events, Lucy has some tricks up her sleeve. The Lucy on the left is an Aqua profile when reversed, letting you nab up to two characters or her event from the top two cards of your deck. The Lucy on the right is a bonder to the event that can also clock swap on attack.

To help feed Lucy’s event’s stock check, we will need to add a number of level two or higher cards to the deck. These two cards above are highly recommended as cheap cards that have some neat abilities throughout the game. Lucy’s card on the left can spawn a level two or lower character from your hand onto stage while bouncing them back to hand at the end of your turn for a cheap cost. Keep in mind that this is an ACT ability and can be repeated as many times as you’d like. Her other ability allows you to pay a hefty cost when she triggers a climax to search a level two or lower character and spawn them to the back row of your stage, perfect for nabbing our second card on the right and paying out dirty stock.

Lucy on the right is a global Key (鍵) support that gives them power and hand encore. If she is at the top of your clock, she does grant all your Key characters an additional 1000 power. Keep in mind that both cards check Key trait, a secondary trait that all Lucy cards possess as she is a key user. So make sure to load up your deck with Lucy related cards.


The final card to mention, a place warm to Lucy’s heart, is that of the special tavern Love & Lucky. On its use, you must reveal the top card of your deck, and if that card is a Key character, boost the power of one of your characters. Then, Love & Lucky goes directly to your stock to boost Lucy further.

For backups, there are none more suitable than Lucy’s own key guardians, the celestial spirits. After forming a contract with their master, Lucy, they live to serve and assist her needs while being her close and dear friends as well. Pick any versions you would like, all are precious to Lucy in their own right.

Some more supports your deck begin with the infamous Unison Raid Lucy that sends herself to memory upon reverse while also acting as a drop search profile. When 1/0 Lucy holding out her key is reversed, reveal the top card of your deck, and if that card is a Key character, Lucy may send herself to memory. 3/2 Lucy smiling is another beater at level three that grants minus one soul in front and also has hand encore if you reach her memory requirements. Lucy in the gold is an on-play Riko profile. Aquarius is an interesting card that causes both players to take one point of damage on-play, perfect for disrupting clock compression and helping in closing out the game.

Fairy Tail getting support brings a small smile to my face. It’s as if my childhood is returning, even if it is for a fleeting moment. Treasure those small memories made during your youth.