Yusa’s ability to CHANGE who’s in control is intriguing as it feels like you’re flipping a coin as to which personality you’re speaking to when you’re around her. On one side, you have Yusa, the happy-go-lucky TV star who eases tension with her bright smile. On the other side, you have her older sister Misa, a short-tempered delinquent who’s always raring for a fight. While their appearance is fairly similar, their personality and abilities are as different as night and day.
For this post, feel free to take a shot whenever you see the word CHANGE. Please drink responsibly.

CHA/W40-052SP-SP “大切な何か”美砂 (center)
CHA/W40-073CR 恋と炎 (right)
The sisters team up to unleash Misa’s fiery gambit. When her cost is paid, Misa incinerates her opponent with an intense burn five ability with her climax in play. To help get her sister’s finisher on stage, Yusa’s level 3 has a CHANGE effect that swaps herself with the finisher. While not having a combo, Yusa can help with survivability by allowing you to surveil whenever you take damage. With Misa’s finisher possessing the ability to CHANGE to her sister, you can switch between them to adjust to the situation at hand.

The sisters have another trick up their sleeves that can help early play Misa’s finisher. On the left, Yusa’s backrow level assist has a couple of CHANGE effects. The first effect allows you to pay a cost to swap Yusa with Misa’s finisher. The second CHANGE option is Misa’s level 3 killer on the right which can CHANGE to the backrow assist. If you decide to use Yusa’s CHANGE effect, both options allow Misa to take the offensive and let loose.

CHA/W40-018C “刹那の本気”西森 柚咲 (center)
CHA/W40-025CC おまじないシリーズ1『大丈夫のおまじない』(right)
The stark difference between the sisters is even more apparent when looking at their differing climax combos. Misa’s riled-up combo drags out a character with her Shimakaze effect. She can also CHANGE to Yusa’s combo while sending herself to stock. Utilizing her signature “spell”, Yusa’s immense optimism shines through as she energizes herself with an immense power boost. If the cost is paid, Yusa’s combo can CHANGE to her sister’s combo. With both sisters having differing combos, feel free to CHANGE between them to help gain an edge in battle.

Even at level 0, the sisters take to the stage to give your opposition a rough time. On the left, Yusa’s bomb bounces her opposing character back to hand and then forces your opponent to discard a card. Misa’s card on the right provides global power. The sisters can CHANGE between each other so use whichever sister is best to beat your opponent’s board.

One final pair of CHANGE effects to note are the sister’s cards above. Yusa on the right can gain power based on the number of Ability-Users (能力者) in play. Misa on the left allows you to hand fix by discarding a card and salvaging a character whenever she’s played from hand or through a CHANGE effect, meaning it can be used repeatedly throughout a game if you can keep the sisters changing on board.

CHA/W40-057R “転入生”西森 柚咲 (center)
CHA/W40-058U “任務完了”美砂 (right)
As you may have seen, this deck has a lot of cards with the CHANGE effect, and the sisters have some cards that provide added incentives for running CHANGE effects. Yusa’s level 0 is a reverse bomb that can pump power to any character with a CHANGE effect on-play, helping with securing reversals for the level 1 Shimakaze combo. Yusa can provide even more power with her assist in the middle. With her wonderful smile, she provides a large global 1000 power to anyone with the CHANGE keyword. As a bonus, she allows you to rest a character to pump power to anyone. Misa also has an assist that provides global power. While her power boost is smaller, she gives it to all Ability-Users (能力者) . She also can CHANGE to her sister’s assist in the center.

In terms of backups, Yusa’s backup can help deal with opposing early played characters by swapping them with a level 0 character in their waiting room when her cost is paid.
As you have seen, the sisters have a lot of cards that possess or support cards with the CHANGE effect. To help make full use of the various CHANGE effects, cards that can help generate a waiting room are very helpful. Yusa’s search brainstormer can help generate a waiting room while potentially adding hand. She can also help your other cards safely contest board by pumping additional power whenever your opponent’s cards get reversed. Misa’s level 0 can send a card from your opponent’s waiting room to the top of their deck if she mills a climax. Additionally, she allows you to ditch a climax to salvage a character. Lastly, the twins have a drop search that allows you to re-arrange the top two cards of your deck.
As Yusa carries on with her life as a TV idol, her rambunctious sister watches her back and takes over if Yusa ever finds herself in danger. Despite death separating the sisters, Yusa’s CHANGE ability has given them another chance to be together for a little longer.