Fujimi – Do You Love Your Student and Her Resemblance to Your Dead Partner? (B)[04/10/2023]

Glenn was your average dark and spiky-haired protagonist with a lewd-loving and laid-back personality. This all changed when he was assigned the most dangerous, unforgiving, and cutthroat mission he would ever take on: being a high school teacher. The silver lining of the gig was a student of peculiar interest as her appearance was familiar to a former friend. With a new goal set, Glenn aims to slide into her DMs using whatever little charm is at his disposal.

Clad in a gallant pure white dress, Sistine’s tenacious spirit shines as she vows to protect all she holds dear. Her determined vow is reflected in her finisher as she ceaselessly barrages her opponents. When her finisher reverses an opponent, she can restand herself, the cost needed for this includes ditching her Rize in the middle. Additionally, she can bounce opposing characters while giving herself a 2000 power boost. Be sure to utilize this to bounce backrow supports to help secure her reverse condition.

For Sistine’s level 1 combo, she teams up with her sister Rumia to take you to a summer paradise. Their combo allows you to add a character to your harem hand through their Shimakaze effect. Be sure to utilize this combo to search for specific cards as you set up for Sistine’s endgame barrage.

The master and student duo have a couple of cards that can help deal with any high-powered threats that your opponent throws at you. Celica is an Adachi that sends cards to the bottom of the deck and can gain a cheap encore through her EXPERIENCE condition. Utilizing his tactical ingenuity, Glenn’s event sends any character on your opponent’s center stage to the bottom of their deck for the cost of discarding a card and sending itself to the bottom of your deck.

With her royal and heartwarming smile, Rumia is ready to support her sister, Sistine, by any means necessary. Rumia on the left allows you to pay her costs to check up to four cards and add a card from among them. Since there is no restriction on what you can add, she can help you add events and climaxes while milling through your deck. Her and Re=L’s card on the right can make good use of your waiting room with their Riko ability.

Off of Glenn’s orders, the rest of his class draw their weapons and ready their spells as they begin to go on the offensive. Albert on the left is a beat stick that can pump power to another character; although, he has a demerit of letting your opponent draw and discard a card when he is reversed. His subordinate Re=L is another large beater that sends herself to the bottom of your deck when reversed. Rumia is an early play that heals to memory. Additionally, when she’s played, a cost can be paid which doubles the power of one of your characters for the turn.

With his favourite student at his side, Glenn and Sistine are ready to unleash their magic to ensure Glenn’s strategies go off without a hitch. Glenn on the left acts as a pseudo brainstorm with his ability to perform the Cigarettes effect when his cost is fulfilled. Sistine is a level assist that can pump further power when you play a climax.

Fra/W65-097C じゃれあう二人 ルミア&システィーナ

While she may not have much of it, Sistine has mastered the art of turning oppai into power. In her card above, she converts Rumia’s plus-sized oppai into an oversized backup.

Though he may look like and is a thick-headed goofball, he’s able to throw a couple of curve balls and bizarre tactics that throws everyone for a loop. Like his tactics, Glenn’s teaching methods are questionable; although, it is this wackiness that draws students to his classes. Having established himself as the student’s favourite teacher, his basic protagonist personality will eventually cause the plot to force him into a romantic relationship with Sistine.