Sora is a loving younger sister who only wishes for the best for her big brother, Youta. Whether that be his goals of pursuing his crush or fighting in a boxing ring, Sora is always in the back cheering him on. As their summer approaches, Youta happens upon a small young girl who changes his life forever. She promises him that she will assist him in getting close to Kyoka. Tied by the power of friendship and a united goal, the three work together to get the best out of their summer.

DBG/W87-046R 遺されたメッセージ (center)
DBG/W87-048CR 大魔法 (right)
Kyoka heals to stock on-play from hand. Her combo allows you to pay her cost of removing her memories of her mother from memory to deal two damage to your opponent when she swings. The memories of her mom in the center salvages a character to hand and sends itself to memory. You also reveal the top card of your deck and if that card is level 2 or higher, you may place it in stock.

DBG/W87-047U 自主映画 (center)
DBG/W87-050R-RRR 神懸かり的な脚本 (right)
Sora pushes for the game while recycling her boxing match event in the center. During your turn, if you have the event condition she needs in memory, Sora gains a level and a large burst of power. With her climax in play, she can either salvage or search for the boxing match event and add it to hand. Her event lets you salvage a character whose level is equal to the number of the Chiyuri Soras in your waiting room.

As stated above, Sora is a Chiyuri profile that’s mandatory for the deck, filling your waiting room and potentially grabbing events from her check-four ability.

Sora here provides a hexproof ability to characters in front of her. More importantly, she can discard a card from hand and tap herself to salvage the event on the right. The event to the right searches for a character, adds it to hand, and then sends itself to memory. This is the card that is required to give Sora her power at level 1.

DBG/W87-T01TD 狂気の動画制作 成神 空 (center)
DBG/W87-035U 監督 成神 空 (right)
Given the plethora of events in the deck, we must find a means to juggle all of them together to grab what we need at each moment of the game. Noriko is a Rize profile on-play that checks for events, helping to grab one to hand hopefully. She is also a cost-zero clock bomb. Sora in the center is a draw brainstorm with the ability on-play to filter for an event or character from the top of the deck. Lastly, the Sora sitting smugly in her chair is an event swapper that swaps events from hand with those from your waiting room on-play.

Speaking of which, the girls have plenty of options to carry out in case we aren’t able to get out our Sora combo. Tokiko is a climax filter with a neat ability to bounce back to hand if damage taken during her battle is cancelled. Sora is a large beater during your turn that flies to stock if damage is cancelled, pairing perfectly with our two-soul climax.

Youta is also a very great option in the early game to help sculpt our hand. He can also help greatly with colour fixing as his effect requires us to place a character from our waiting room into our clock. By doing so, we can set up our duo colours for our level 1 game while also salvaging a key character back to our hand.

Some later game options are shown with the Soras above. The Sora in a yukata can de-level your opponent’s cards on-play while gaining power whenever your opponent uses an ACT effect. Sora acting as a director is an early play that denies backup use while healing the top card of your clock and also gaining 1500 power on the turn she is played.

One last card to mention is Kyoko here who is an early play as long as you have three or more events in memory. She’s a power assist to the front while also having an on-play effect to check the top x cards of your deck equal to the number of characters you have on stage and add one to hand. Kyoko can check and add our much-needed climaxes and events to hand.

As for backups, our best option is Kyoko above. Kyoko is an anti-change backup with a discard cost to get rid of any early-played threats.
Noriko carries a nice clean cut profile which can help preserve hand in the early game. Kyoko carries a nice clock encore effect card that grows in power with each copy of her mother’s memory in your memory zone. If your opponent’s field gets too out of hand with power, Sora’s level 2 yukata stare is a massive beatstick that grows on attack equal to the number of events in your waiting room for the turn. She can also give an additional two soul on swing to one of your characters to push for extra damage assuming you have a full field.
The Narukami siblings are on a mission. Sora wants to help her brother get close to Kyoko. Through her elaborate plans and events of boxing activities and whatnot, each step that Youta takes will bring him closer to Kyoko. Intermix the events, and help Kyoko use those sweet memories of her mother to bring your opponent closer to death.