Our boy, Ishigami Yuu, is probably one of the most cool and relatable guys I’ve ever met in terms of anime characters. Respectable and chill, Yuu is a fan favourite with a rather complicated past. Nevertheless, Yuu’s drive to push himself forward alongside his friends is a shining trait, which, when paired with his resilience to conflict, makes him an endearing individual.
Furthermore, I’d like to personally thank Rysher for tricking me into building him this deck as part of a terrible deal.

As fitting ever, Ishigami bursts onto the scene as a Musashi profile when played from hand. Furthermore, when he attacks with his combo, Ishigami stocks two characters from your waiting room and gains a bounce back to hand when fronted ability to hopefully reuse his Musashi effect the following turn. Since Ishigami is a Musashi profile, we’ll also be focusing on filling the deck with high level cards to facilitate his on-cancel damage.

Ishigami’s crush, Tsubame, spawns him out early from hand starting at level two. Keep in mind that Ishigami’s bounce back ability is optional. Tsubame is also a level 3 assist, making Ishigami a respectful 12000 base with herself in the back. A considerable idea to maintain and stretch your advantage is to not use Ishigami’s bounce back if he is able to reverse his opponent to build more stock the following turn.

Our early advantage engine comes with another early play with the Ishigami above. For a cheap discard cost with his combo, Yuu lets you search your deck for two characters from your deck, ideally Tsubame and level 3 Yuu if you do not have them already in hand.

KGL/S95-057S-SR 深読み かぐや (center)
KGL/S79-056U “20の質問”かぐや (right)
Bringing his support, Shirogane acts as a secondary finisher for the deck with a climax-less ability. On top of that, he is an on-play heal to keep your clock nice and healthy. Kaguya is an essential early play to help fetch Yuu’s climax from the waiting room to hand. Lastly, the Kaguya brainstorm to the right is essentially for milling the deck and potentially adding a climax to hand from its check three ability. It also has a built in scry on-play to help with pushing for Yuu’s large swings.

With the large amount of level 2 or higher cards in the deck, Miko could be a cheap way to maintain field presence without wasting hand or stock.

KGL/S79-058U 凛とした佇まい かぐや (center)
KGL/S79-049RR スキル『純真無垢』 かぐや (right)
Papa Shirogane is a great way to generate extra stock as he flies away to stock when your opponent plays a climax. Additionally, you can sacrifice him to give another character the ability to trigger twice for a stock, working in tandem with the finisher Yuu. The Kaguya in the center is a nice climax swapper that mills your deck as well. Lastly, the Kaguya on the right is a rather expensive but potentially valuable stock swap that can help Ishigami really push for damage in your opponent’s deck if they are compressed.

KGL/S95-017C 本物の愛を語る優 (center)
KGL/S79-007U 現実からの逃避 優 (right)
We can’t forget the star of this deck. While Mama Kaguya provides most of the supportive action, Yuu stands up for himself. Yuu has a nice drop search on the left. His center is a large beater on-play and an anti-run ability. Lastly, the final Yuu on the right is a large on-swing power pump with a unique effect of running to your back-row at the start of your opponent’s attack phase for a stock. This is very important as he can be cheap way to ensure you get up to the full field requirement for your early advantage combo.

KGL/S79-052R 大慌て かぐや (center)
KGL/S95-062U 独特のフェチ ミコ (right)
Backups are a pretty decent option in this matchup due to early play Yuu being rather large. Furthermore, you can protect 3/2 Yuu to generate more advantage in the later game as well. The Yuu backup here is an antichange backup that is a bit pricey on hand. Kaguya is a standard 2000 powered backup. Miko is a nice memory kick backup to get rid of pesky threats. There is another choice with Kei who mills your opponent’s bottom deck on use, potentially helping you land solid damage depending on your opponent’s deck state when Yuu swings the following turn.
Chika’s level 3 is not a bad addition, considering that she’s a top check on-play and can also bounce herself back to hand upon reversing her opponent (which, given the amount of level 2s or higher in the deck, can be pretty likely). Miko is an interesting addition as an additional option to hand-fix while also scrying your deck. Use Tsubame and bring out our boy. Keep him healthy and support him with Kaguya and friends to bolster him up as he relentlessly assaults your opponent with damage.