The unit Printemps is formed by the three members of µ’s: Honoka Kosaka, Kotori Minami, and Hanayo Koizumi. Known for their energetic and cute music and dance style, the three girls rise to top as three girl unit, ready to take on the Love Live!

The ring leader of µ’s, Honoka Kosaka, herself rises above as the deck’s main finisher. Standing at a firm 11000 power, Honoka jumps in the fray and punishers any opponent she reverses by pinging the opposing a player for a single damage (with climax in play).

Brimming, shining Kotori stands as the deck’s main advantage engine. Similar to Honoka, she also requires a reverse with her climax combo, but if she does accomplish the reverse, she allows the player to salvage any Music (音楽) character while pumping another character’s power for the turn, ideally another copy of herself to help with further reverses.
As you’ve probably noted, many of the cards will feature the Experience (経験) mechanic, so make sure to include plenty of level 3s as level fodder.

LL/W68-043SR “間違えないで~!”南 ことり (center)
LL/WE24-15RR “僕たちはひとつの光”南 ことり (right)
Some decent options throughout the mid-game are shown above. Hanayo provides a way to discard cards and turn them into further advantage. The center Kotori is a large beater that also has a double trigger ability to help pay out stock and push for more advantage. The Kotori to the right is a level 1 reverser that can be used to turn extra climaxes into other hand.

LL/W68-086U “私にできること”小泉 花陽 (center)
LL/WE24-48PR “はじめての地へ”南 ことり (right)
Some other interesting options to power up the Printemps deck are shown above. Honoka is a level 2 or lower reverser while having a hand fix effect. Hanayo is an anti-cost beater that also gets large assuming you meet her experience condition. Kotori is another hand fix on play.

If you wish to run some backups to protect your girls, Kotori is a free 2000 powered backup. Hanayo is a very interesting oversized backup assuming you are playing her specific early play. If you are, she turns into a powerful 4000 powered backup.
Printemps is a powerful unit capable of decimating the idol stage. Constantly recycle advantage with your Kotori combos. Then, by using Hanayo’s supportive abilities, prepare yourself for the late stage of the game. Finally, finish them with the power of Honoka’s bright eternal smile!