1.) If a pair of numbers is shown with a slash in between, they are read to be the level of the indicated card first, followed by the stock cost of the card.

For example, in the above card, it is referred to as 0/0 Kotori. That is to say that the level of the card is 0 and the stock cost is 0, making the card a 0/0 followed by its character name.

As another example, this card is referred to as 3/2 Kyaru. The level of the card is 3, whereas the stock cost is 2, therefore, the card is referred to as 3/2 Kyaru. If a post has multiple mentions of cards with the same character with the same level and stock costs, there will be either a positional or colour reference (if applicable) to create distinction between cards.
2.) Card effects may be referred to by profile effects (e.g. Shimakaze, Rize, Akatsuki, Chiyuri). Additional tags may be provided to further shorten and explain said effect such as “salvage” Shimakaze. Profiles are available in the collection of “profile” posts.

The above Hibiki carries a similar effect from that of another profile, Pina. As such, this card effect will simply be dubbed Pina.

Since this Roboco-san has a Rize-esque effect, she will be dubbed a sent to waiting room Rize. That is because the original Rize’s effect applies when she is played from hand, whereas this card’s effect procs at the timing when it is sent to the waiting room.