Rinne’s grandfather passes away, which, when combined with the current matters concerning Rinne’s life, brings her great stress that leads to a violent interaction followed by her eventual ascension into the boxing ring.

Rinne blows her opponent back when she hits level three with her climax combo. When she swings, she can burn away the memories she’s made (specific cards from your memory zone) to deal damage to your opponent. As such, this deck’s goals are to help generate memory for Rinne, to help her grow and turn her into the great fighter she was destined to be.

The other main form of finish is through the use of Rinne’s reflective blows. When the Rinne above sustains damage in battle, she can reflect that same amount of damage to your opponent, making deadly blows even scarier to your opponent.

Unfortunately, this deck profile isn’t running the specified level 1 combo in two of the four cards listed on the finisher Rinne’s text. As such, our targets for memory will only be the two cards above. Roy on the left is an on-death Riki profile that looks for specifically a character card with Rinne [リンネ] in its name to hand. Scuderia, the crystal to the right, is an event that lets you sack a Rinne from field and add the top card of your clock to your hand. Both cards will respectively either go to memory as part of their activation costs or after resolution.

VS/W50-075S-SR 強さを求めるリンネ (center)
VS/W50-097CR スクーデリア セットアップ (right)
The other combo for the deck comes with Rinne on the left and its combo on the right as shown above. Rinne’s most important ability comes in her combo which activates when she is sent to waiting room. If her costs are paid and conditions are met, she can transform into the Rinne in the center.
The Rinne in the center has multiple interesting abilities. Firstly, if you meet her conditions, she’s a 10000 powered beater with the ability where the opposing character in front of her cannot side. Secondly, her other ability allows you to draw one during your opponent’s turn if any card crashes into her, making up hand potentially in later turns.

The above Jill is a core support for the deck which lets you discard any card in hand to swap for a character with Rinne in its name to hand. This effect activates once a turn whenever any character returns from waiting room to stage (includes encore), which also works during the opponent’s turn as well. She essentially helps you use hand to tag-out your characters in the front row for another Rinne.

The pairing above carries another tagging out sort of ability. The Rinne on the left is a filter that checks for either Fight (格闘) or Clothes (服). Her second ability lets her tag out into the Rinne on the right from the waiting room when she’s sent to waiting room if you pay her costs. The Rinne on the right is a large costless beat-stick with a pretty punishing downside, but in the early game, she’ll be quite a difficult body for your opponent to get over.

In terms of counters, none are really needed since Rinne needs to be sent to waiting room to “tag-out” into another character. However, the backup above is a suggestion due to its ability to be a sack counter to get rid of any cheated early play targets.
Take hits and then reflect those same beatings back to your opponent. This is the Rinne way. Take every defeat as a lesson and grow stronger. Scuderia offers a very powerful effect, and more importantly, it can be bonded through the use of Rinne’s adoptive mother. Punch, punch, punch! Never stop applying pressure to your opponent. Drive them into the corner. And at the very end, blast your opponent away using all the memories stored overtime!