To Love-Ru – Aliens (R) [02/03/2021]

Rito’s life switches around completely the moment the Deviluke sisters arrive in town. After his adventures with Lala, her sisters Nana and Momo decide to live permanently together on Earth as they observe their big sister’s growing relationship with Rito. Through Lala’s mad science, Momo’s power over plants, and Nana’s ability to speak with animals, not a boring day passes by for the Yuuki household.

This deck was suggested by Andrew Trinidad.

As the introduction suggests, this deck focuses on the three Deviluke sisters all carrying the trait of Alien (宇宙人). The main finisher of his deck is shown above with Momo. Momo is a pretty value-based finisher that has a free ping effect on play. Her combo allows you to spawn another character from your waiting room to stage (ideally a character with some sort of activated ability on stage).

The main advantage engine for the deck is the Momo above. Momo is a relatively large beater with a free combo. However, there is a slight demerit. To gain her hand advantage effect, you must be at four hand or lower. Now you could consider expending resources early to achieve her effect, or alternatively, use her effect when its needed rather than fielding multiple at once.

Another separate engine that can be ran follows the resonate Lala level three and her other targets. Lala herself is a decent heal with burst power. More importantly, she resonates with the other two targets shown here which are both cards that are great for garnering advantage. Nana in particular is spectacular as a secondary combo of the sorts to achieve more hand. Another addition to consider is TL/W37-073U as an oversized anti-early play that also resonates with the center Lala.

Due to Momo’s level 3 condition, a number of top checks are highly encouraged for the deck. All three cards above carry a surveil or a reveal top effect, helping to make sure that you hit the check target for Momo’s damage. Furthermore, the center Nana is actually part of an early play condition for another card in this article.

There are two early plays available for the deck. Nana of which has an early play condition if a previous card mentioned, TL/W37-067U, is in clock. Nana is also a great contender for Momo’s level three summon as her damaging ability is triggered on-reverse rather than on-play. Lala herself is a large healing early play with a two or less climax in waiting room requirement.

Some final cards I did want to mention are shown above. The Nana to the left can be used as an emergency refresher if at any point your deck is at a state that’s undesirable. She does damage you as part of the cost, but that’s far more worth it than potentially eating a level on the following turn. Momo in the center is a cheap way to grab a character you need from the waiting room. She has a RNG effect to potentially ping your opponent if she’s reversed, adding an additional potential damage source. Lastly, the event to the right is a great way to gain immediate advantage at the cost of life. It does brick the check for the Momo level three, but using one card to gain two hand is a very good trade.

No backups are generally needed for the deck. The deck values hand far more than retaining field. There are a number of ways to recur hand with this deck, so there’s little worry in having your cards reversed. Push your opponent to three and then finish them off with a plethora of Momo attacks and Nana summons. Try to maintain value and advantage above all else and out-deplete your opponent’s resources. As the introduction of this deck implies, make trouble with the Deviluke sisters as you bring down your opponent.