Card Game Shiyoko – Legend of the Greatest Weiss Player (R/B) [01/30/2021]

Legend has it that once upon a time, a certain card game player reached the highest plane of existence. After cancelling eight times straight in a single turn, the player proceeded to force their opponent by decking them out without a waiting room to reshuffle with. As such, a golden staircase presented itself in front of said player. They climbed the steps and reached card game euphoria itself. The gracious Lord Aru-N-Ji (RNG) blessed said player and granted them a higher purpose and title. They were enshrined forever in the card game with continual support until the end of time.

Shiyoko represents the peak of living existence. Beneath that overly happy grin of hers lies a dark motive unknown to most of humanity. She was a being that was transformed and forced to evolve through countless trials and tribulations. To ascend to being the ultimate lifeform, Shiyoko had to abandon her own humanity, leaving nothing but a forced optimistic smile on her face that hides her dark past.

Shiyoko, achieving her final form before ascension to becoming a deity, wields both the power of Weiss and Schwarz. Her Weiss form acts to bring healing whereas her Schwarz form works to finish her opponent with the climax on the right in play. Memories of her past self are displayed in the background of the art, giving monumenting her past and what she gave up to transcend humanity.

Shiyoko may lack an early game combo, but Shiyoko works to manage the field and garner advantage by beating down on the opposing foe. Her rise to the heavens is recorded in these cards alongside her struggle. Most importantly, considering that some of her cards do require reversing effects, carrying some copies of CGS/WS01-P18PR is highly recommended as an additional power pump.

At some point in Shiyoko’s adventures, she managed to reach the heavens of card games. At this point, due to her failure to acquire the needed power at that time, she was punished and frozen in stone. However, her powers were still maintained even though her body was sealed. The two cards above carry great supportive abilities with additional power granting effects if both pieces are present on the stage.

Some other cards to note which chronicle her adventures are shown above. Both of these cards can be considered as alternative finishers if need be.

To defend your cards, there are plenty options available. The Shiyoko to the left is a standard 2000 powered backup, which is quite helpful considering your bulkier early game. Secondly, the Shiyoko in the center provides power but also helps in clearing any cheated or early played threats. Lastly, extremely optional, but this conditioned event has the potential to force your opponent to potentially overswing. As is with Shiyoko, sometimes the best plays are to leave everything in fate’s hands.

Legend has it that Shiyoko herself has descended down to Earth to traverse once more. Though her physical body may no longer be present, her spirit may still be alive and flourishing among the players somewhere. They say when her spirit is invoked, you will suddenly be able to survive eight swings of death without so much as a scratch. Then your fifty soul swing will go through.

Not much else is known about this mysterious character. Her adventures and journey is chronicled through the promotional cards released every year. I foresee growing support for her deck, but as for the exact details of how it will evolve, that will be up to fate. It is supposedly quoted somewhere that she had a special training routine that lead to her ascent to a heavenly host.