The “Jintsuu” Profile
Personally, I believe the following card effect is one of the most powerful card effects in all of the game. I generally also find the effect under-printed and less available in newer sets. That effect of course is what I…
Personally, I believe the following card effect is one of the most powerful card effects in all of the game. I generally also find the effect under-printed and less available in newer sets. That effect of course is what I…
It’s been quite an interesting year with its twists and turns. Even as the world still struggles with COVID-19, players are still able to form communities online and play each other via webcam and other means. I do hope for…
Back in 2011, a card so terrifying came out which eventually warped the format and truly questioned how players would decide to play the game. This little card depicted small beady little eyes hiding between two shelves, ready to gnaw…
Do you ever wish that you could play a gun game while playing Weiss? Do the thrilling matches of slapping tapped waifu cards back and forth leave you feeling lacking? Are you the kind to name your guns in online…
Once long ago, before civilization came to exist and man learned that “insurance” + “company” = scam, there was an Adam and an Eve. It is said that a man combines his love for the woman and creates a special…