Louise and Saito are a pair matched in heaven. Louise, the mage, and Saito, her familiar, embark on a journey as they explore the wonderful fantasy continent of Halkeginia. They adventure, meet interesting folks and experience the mysteries and excitements that the world offers them. And then maybe they fall in love along the way.

ZM/WE13-04R 揺るぎない信頼 ルイズ (center)
ZM/WE13-35C 聖国のルイズ (right)
The main goal of this deck is to essentially heal loop and outlast your opponent. The healer to the left, ZM/WE13-05R, is an early play healer as long as the other two cards in the center and right are in the level zone. ZM/WE13-04R is a level assist with an ability to let you pay a cost and search your deck for a level 1 or higher Familiar (使い魔) or Void (虚無) character and add it to hand when its climax, ZM/WE13-12C, is in play. Speaking of which, Saito cards carry Familiar trait and Louise cards carry Void trait. ZM/WE13-35C is a one stock cost 7000 powered beater. *The climax for ZM/WE13-04R is shown below.*

Aside from ZM/WE13-35C, the two above cards are some decent additions for the deck. ZM/WE13-32C is essentially a 1/0 6000 powered beat-stick as long as your meet her condition which she fulfils herself for a stock. She is extremely important since the card she sends into memory becomes a crucial target for the end-game. ZM/WE13-33C is a decent sized beater, but his ability shines during the opponent’s turn. He can send himself to the waiting room to buff any Magic (魔法) character by 1500 power for the turn. Since all Louise also carry Magic as a trait, he can be used to keep them alive on the field (his ability works even if he’s reversed). Considering that you’re running ZM/WE13-32C and ZM/WE13-35C, both of which are large on their own without considering back-row supports or backups, Saito can greatly empower and keep Louise’s presence on the field.

ZM/WE13-27R 途切れぬ想い サイト (center)
ZM/WE13-39C ワールドドア (right)
The healing finisher for the deck is shown above on the left. Her combo works with ZM/WE13-35C. When her climax, ZM/WE13-39C, is played, you may choose ZM/WE13-27R from your memory and place him directly onto the stage, then she gains power for the turn. ZM/WE13-27R is a global support to any Void character.

The card above is the changer for ZM/WE13-28R. Additionally, when this card is played and your deck consists of five or less cards, you may add a Familiar or Void character from your waiting room, add it to hand and then shuffle your waiting room back into your deck. It is a free-fresh that negates the punishment of refreshing.

ZM/WE13-25R 強い絆 ルイズ (center)
ZM/WE13-T01TD ひそひそ話 アンリエッタ&サイト (right)
The deck has some pretty impressive level 0s. Both ZM/WE13-29C and ZM/WE13-T01TD are great beaters in the front that benefit from low stock. ZM/WE13-25R is your main brainstorm that spawns costless beaters onto your field from your waiting room.

Given the vast power of your early game beaters along with ZM/WE13-33C‘s countering ability, backups are pretty decent options to run. Yellow backups are generally encouraged to help boost the yellow count of the deck.
I’ve provided a few more suggestions for cards from above. Remember that the endgame requires you to place ZM/WE13-27R in memory from ZM/WE13-32C‘s effect. Use the bond between Louise and Saito to lead you to victory.