Deck Search on Decklog
If you click on the deck search option on Decklog, you will see the following: You must have clicked the second option here (デッキレシビ検索 = Search Deck Recipes): There will be several options shown on the screen. The first of…
Collection of blog posts that explain how to play the game.
If you click on the deck search option on Decklog, you will see the following: You must have clicked the second option here (デッキレシビ検索 = Search Deck Recipes): There will be several options shown on the screen. The first of…
Did you know that Bushiroad has its own official deckbuilding website? You can save your deck profiles there and gain access to them whenever you need. Furthermore, you can even share the deck with others using a unique five letter…
I cannot stress enough how important it is to for players to properly sleeve their decks to protect their cards. Listen, you’re probably spending at minimum of fifty and upwards of two hundred dollars for a deck. Regardless, those cards…
To begin a game of Weiss Schwarz, both players must decide whom will go first. Usually, players rolls dice or perform some sort of RNG task to determine first or second. Afterwards, when player starting points are decided, both players…
Considering the length of the previous step in the game’s tutorial, I’ve decided to add a post that gives a bit of a visual understanding to how the combat system works. Frontal Attack – Say in this instance, the attacking…