

A tyrannical overlord who maintains control over the tiny other contributors. Enjoys comedy series and iced black coffee.

The “Money” and the “Rest” Counter

The “Money” counter and “Rest” counter respectively are counters that work to mitigate damage. Both usually carry large costs, but they both work to effectively shutdown a lane, potentially denying your opponent a swing with multiple damage instances. The money…

Persona – Rei & Zen (G/R) [03/07/2022]

Within the labyrinth exists a pair whose power terrifies others with the just the mention of the duo’s name. Rei and Zen find themselves lost in the labyrinth, their memories sealed in the unknown. With the powers of the combined…

Persona – Junes (Y/R) [02/27/2022]

“Every day’s great at your Junes!” – Persona 4. What is Junes, you may ask? Well Junes, pronounced as Jyu-ne-su, is the greatest entity known to humankind. Though locally regarded as a department store in the world of Persona 4,…