Blue Archive – Millennium Pride (B) [02/08/2024]

Millennium Science School, one of the largest and most influential academies in the world of Kivotos, is home to many students interested in pursuing the sciences and technology. Led by the overseeing student council named Seminar, the school is also home to a variety of clubs that seek nothing more than educational and exploratory fun. Additionally, there seems to also be a hidden team of maids who carry out Seminar’s secret orders, but alas, that may just be but a rumour.

Aris: Aris here! I’m currently working with the game dev. club to create some fun games to share with everyone. After turbo charging my powerful railgun, I’ll be able to blast my opponents away with my handy laser cannon for two shots of my SUPER DIMENSIONAL HYPER ULTRA EXTRA mill eight gamer Icy Tail ability. Keep in mind, I perform my ability twice!

Noa: Where has Yuuka gone? I bet she’s busy flirting with Sensei again. Anyways, as the secretary of Seminar, I am tasked with relaying responsibilities to the various members of the school. Under my instruction, with my climax ability, you’ll be able to dig for extra hand from the top of your deck at the start of your encore phase by paying its costs. As a supportive member of the student council, don’t forget to use my helpful resting ability to try and net extra hand.

Neru: Leader of the special [Cleaning & Clearing] division of Millennium Call sign OO reporting for duty. Wait, Akane, I’m not supposed to be exposing our group? Why didn’t you inform me earlier? Where’s my maid headpiece? Asuna, is this another prank of yours? *ahem* Well, anyways, I’m Neru, leader of the “maid club” at Millennium. If you fulfill my EXPERIENCE [経験] condition, I will be a formidable force that can take down any opponent. Combined with my squad on my climax, at the start of your encore phase while also fulfilling another experience condition, I’ll help you turbocharge your stock while also helping you salvage more advantage. Wait, Karin, did you forget to put sugar in my coffee? I said I wanted two lumps!

Koyuki: にはははははははは! I can’t wait to show Sensei this four-leafed clover I picked. Anyways, Koyuki has arrived! I am the genius hacker of Seminar. When I attack, both players play a fun mini-game where we both mill the top cards of our decks. If we win, as in the card that we revealed was higher level than our opponent’s, we get to blind stock off the top of our deck. I’m on quite friendly terms with Neru and C&C; although, we frequently get into bouts with one another. Please keep an eye out for me if you see Yuuka; if she catches me, she’ll drag me back to work.

Hibiki: *sigh* I should just invent a machine to help me drag around my tools. Oh, I didn’t catch you there. Hibiki here to represent the Engineering Club. I’m quite shy, please take care of me. On-play, you may discard a card to spawn a level zero or lower character from your waiting room to the field. I suggest pulling out cards that have activated abilities or combo pieces such as Noa. Anyways, I’m quite busy, I need to get going, take care!

Yuuka: Seminar treasurer, Yuuka, present. Have you seen Sensei anywhere? I bet they’re messing around with other girls again. Anyways, I’m an early-play healer that can also allow you to salvage a character on-play. I do have to warn you that I have very strict experience requirements. I also want you to know that if you’ve heard any rumours about my weight being 100 kilograms, that was just a mistake on the scales. *blows air* Never mind, you didn’t hear that last part at all, okay?

Neru: So you’re supposed to pull up the chest part from here. *eek* Why are you here? Can’t you see I’m in the middle of changing? By the way, I’m a restander during the turn I’m played. Once per turn, at the end of my attack, my opponent mills the bottom three cards of their deck, and if there isn’t a climax there, I can re-stand. Now get out!

Yuzu: Have you seen Sensei? I have a letter for him. Anyways, I’m Yuzu. I believe you met my friend, Aris, earlier, right? We’re from the same club. When I’m played onto stage, you can clock a character from hand to check up to the top four cards of your deck and add a card to hand. Additionally, if your opponent plays a climax, I can hide away in your stock thankfully.

Hare: I’m Hare, not to be confused with the alternative name for a rabbit. It’s pronounced Ha (は) and Re (れ), get it? Anyways, I’m part of the special hacker group for Millennium, Veritas. By paying my costs, you can perform a Kazuma-esque ability. When my damage is cancelled, I can fly away to stock. I’ve been hearing that you’re looking to utilize our special Aris here at Millennium. Make sure to properly use my abilities to help you charge up her supernova.

Eimi: Eimi here. Is it hot in here or is it just me? I’m a member of the special Supernatural Phenomenon Task Force. Have you seen Himari anywhere? Anyways, I have an on-play scry ability. Additionally, when I’m played, you must reveal the top card of your deck and add it to hand if it’s a character or event and discard a card. Feel free to rearrange my two abilities to suit your needs.

The Alice and Yuzu event on the right grants an ability to your characters where, if they reverse a character, you may salvage a character. The event goes to stock as well upon resolving. This event works perfectly to set-up your late game with Aris while also stocking up for her grand finish.

BAV/W112-115R 一之瀬アスナ(バニーガール)

Asuna: Did you see how flustered Neru was when I took away her maid headpiece? I love messing with our leader. Nice to meet you! I’m the ever fluffy and optimistic Asuna. I’m sure Neru probably mentioned me at some point. I’m bouncing into combat, get it, because I’m a bunny girl. ぴょんぴょん! バニーのアスナ参上~! As a memory-kick backup, I can defend your characters against any difficult threat. Make sure to use me to keep your characters safe. I’ll be seeing you then. I need to find Sensei <3.

I’m sure you’ve had a wonderful time meeting all the unique and interesting students of Millennium. Make sure to combine their efforts to bring you victory over your opponent. Some other additions to consider are shown above. Himari is a salvage brainstorm that also has a tap power boosting ability should you meet her experience conditions. Sumire is a spawn Riki profile that is also large on field if you have low amounts of stock. Maid Aris is a new-type climax swapper profile that swaps a climax in your hand with another in your deck. Karin is a level assist profile, and on-play of a climax, she also grants one of your characters additional power and the ability to kick an opposing character to the bottom of your opponent’s deck upon reverse. Lastly, Toki is a large beater that has innate bottom decking abilities if you meet her stock requirement.

Make sure to keep in mind the experience requirements in the deck. Take care of these wonderful and brilliant girls!