Dragon Maid – The Most Powerful Dragon (R/Y) [04/25/2022]

Although she looks to be an adorable little girl, Kanna hides her true identity as the most powerful being in this universe. Unbeknownst to Sakawa, her close friend, she is, in actuality, a powerful dragon. Kanna’s power is infinite. By simply plugging her tail into a wall outlet, Kanna is able to reinvigorate her body, charging a million volts into her system, ready to punish evil doers with a snap of her fingers. While she is not occupied with her busy days as an elementary schooler challenging the perplexing evil scripts known as homework, Kanna enjoys relaxing and taking in all of nature, passively and actively consuming all life forms to grow and empower herself further.

Kanna in her swimsuit has reached the temporary apex of her power. Using her floatation device as an extra layer of protection, she confidently plops the beach ball up the air, ready to decimate whichever unlucky foe is beneath it when it falls.

The above is a three pairing combo. Kanna in her swimsuit is large beater with the ability to cycle for the event in the center when her climax on the right is in play. Firstly, the center event requires said Kanna in swimsuit to be on field to be played. There is an additional two discard cost with one being the climax to the right. If costs are paid, the player can conditionally either deal three damage to their opponent or deal a single point of damage and heal one. The combo is rather hand intensive, but given enough manipulation and faith, you can help Kanna reach her penultimate form.

KMD/W96-070C 新勢力! カンナ

Another key piece of the puzzle not mentioned above is this changer. This Kanna has a hand discard ability to fetch the specified event previously mentioned. She can also change into Kanna in her swimsuit early while providing her a hexproof protection effect until the end of your opponent’s turn.

Our advantage engine of choice is the above Kanna. She carries a reverse salvage combo, but she has a nifty trick up her sleeve. By simply getting in a single reverse, you can potentially decimate your opponent’s entire field by turning all their other characters into small prey for your other Kanna level one combos to devour.

If her power wasn’t enough on your turn, she carries a bonder in the form of the Kanna in the center. This Kanna is a global support to all your characters while having two other nice abilities. The first lets you simply discard a Human (人間) or Dragon (ドラゴン) character to fetch out the 1/0 Kanna combo from the deck. Furthermore, her second ability lets you rest itself to add power and soul to that specific Kanna for the turn (perfect for setting up the first reverse and going forward).

Kanna also carries some powerful removal options with the Kanna on the left being a stock reverser for any cost zero or lower. She’s also beneficial as an on-play power pump to power up your level one combo. The Kanna to the right is an anti early play removal, but she has an interesting initial ability that can mill your deck and force your opponent to give you hand between a character or climax if you so happen to mill a climax with her.

These two are some more highly beneficial cards to buff up the deck. The dragon troupe on the left is a way to try and force a draw for either your event or climax potentially. The Kanna on the right is a spammable brainstorm that helps to refill hand. Note that there is not tap cost, meaning this card can be spammed continuously if you have enough stock. Since your finisher mainly costs hand, this is a great card to convert your coveted late game stock into more useful resources.

KMD/W96-T09TD 見返り和装 カンナ

One final card to mention before the wrap-up is shown above. This Kanna can be considered your indefinite game ender. By paying her extensive costs of essentially deleting your own board, she gains a cancel ping ability. Furthermore, when she swings, you can pay her other costs to deal an additional single damage to your opponent. Remember to swing with this last.

Both backups here are some options should you choose to run any backups at all. The Sakawa counter is a stock refunding 2000 powered backup. Kanna’s backup on the right is a mill backup, helping you either fill your waiting room with more targets or to push you closer to a cancel/refresh.

Some other suggestions are provided above. Carefully collect your pieces and zap your opponents to death with Kanna’s lightning breath. Consider holding climaxes at the end-game to try and pop off with at least two of the events. If anything, you could also casually pummel cards into your opponent’s clock with your Kannas in her swimsuit. Alternatively, feel free to cause utter chaos and blow up your own field with a single decisive strike with your ultimate solution Kanna.