Bang Dream! – ChuChu/Pareo Tag-Team (B) [10/03/2021]

RAISE A SUILEN is a band composed of five members. Each of its members takes on a specialized stage name. Although each of the members go to different schools, they group together to rock out to their adoring fans.

The deck’s main goals are to summon this powerful field composed of these two cards. With just one copy of each, assuming the front row is full, the Chuchu on the right will hit around 12000 while having hexproof and protection from reversal effects. This set-up makes Chuchu extremely annoying to get rid of as the only wait to reverse her is to overpower her.

In turn, the Chuchu provides the Pareo on the left with 5500 power, making her essentially a 10500 powered beater with hand encore. If you fear her being removed from the field which will weaken Chuchu significantly, you can always just leave one copy of Pareo in the backrow. Keep in mind, Pareo’s supportive effect on Chuchu can stack while Chuchu’s boost to Pareo does not.

To close out the game, the combo above will be the main finisher. The nicest part of this card is the fact that if you have enough stock, you can use one card to chain out copies of itself if they’re in the deck. It also refills hand for its combo.

To gain advantage early, the above combo will be used. Alternatively, if you would like, you can play BD/WE34-13R with its climax, BD/WE34-25CC. Either combo is fine, the idea behind BD/W73-T04TD is preferred is due to its lack of any reversing condition. It is also 6000 power cross-turn.

Cards like the above synergize very well with the eight bar triggers. Each of these cards works in one way or another to transform bar triggers or other cards into different forms of hand advantage.

BD/WE34-18U has a double duty in terms of handling bars specifically. Her first effect lets her transform any bar into a Music (音楽) character in your waiting room. When she swings, all your characters including herself gain the optional ability to draw one when a bar is triggered and then discard a card.

BD/WE34-37U is a standard drop search. However, she comes with a very nice effect where if damage you take during her battle is cancelled, you may bounce her back to hand which potentially allows you to re-use her effect on your following turn.

BD/WE34-12R lets you discard any card when she attacks to let her double trigger for the turn. You can potentially discard a bar to refill to churn further through your deck. If her damage happens to cancel, you may return her to your hand.

For the brainstorm choice, two brainstorms are presented above. Either or is fine depending on your preference since they both carry the same effect of searching for a RAISE A SUILEN (RAISE A SUILEN) character if their brainstorms hit.

The Chuchu on the left lets you power up a character for the turn whenever you use the ACCELERATE mechanic. The Pareo on the right can act as a level 0 bottom deck reverser. Generally speaking, the Pareo does perform the benefit of being a beater and a brainstorm. However, if you plan to include any ACCELERATE effects, Chuchu is probably a better choice.

These are three other interesting options for the deck. The Lock on the left provides all level 0 characters on your stage the ability to check the top card of your deck when they attack and rearrange the trigger (place top or bottom). She also lets you check the top x cards of your deck on play and add any single card to hand equal to the number of Music characters on your stage.

The Chuchu in the center lets you discard any card to reveal the top card of your deck. She lets you swap any card in hand with a character that’s the level of the card revealed on top of your deck. She is another discard outlet for extra climaxes and a way to swap unwanted cards into other more usable cards.

The last card, Layer on the right, lets you flush your opponent’s stock which could potentially get rid of climaxes off the top cards of their deck to help you deal more damage.

The above are additional level threes that either act as secondary finishers or provide some form of advantage. The Lock on the left is an early play that lets you accelerate and grab two Music characters from the deck, potentially grabbing you both pieces for the powerful Pareo and Chuchu combo.

The center Layer is a finisher all on its own being 12000 power base on your turn. It’s a bit of a hefty stock cost, but she can potentially add another potential attack by re-standing without the need for a climax combo.

Lastly, the final Masking card to the right is a healer which also lets you accelerate to refresh your deck. This can be quite useful depending on the situation you may find yourself in.

Employing a number of backups will be good options to help keep the Pareo and Chuchu combo alive. Several backups here are shown that provide different functions.

The first Lock backup on the left provides a minuscule amount of supportive power, but she offers the ability to pay another cost and remove any higher level threats on the stage from the field.

The center Pareo is essentially a 2000 power backup with no cost since the stock refunds from the top of your deck if all your characters are Music.

The Masking character backup on the right is an oversized backup that may be more useful in this kind of match-up since Chuchu will usually only lose in terms of battle power.

As for the rest of the slots, I leave it up to you to decide what should fit in the deck. RAISE A SUILEN comes with many customizable options for what you choose to run. Do keep in mind that it is recommended to run several power pumps if you choose to use the BD/WE34-13R combo over the trial deck combo. Bring your girls to the stage and show your opponent what they’re made of.