WS WGP is one of the largest official tournaments for Weiss Schwarz, supported by Bushiroad directly. Players from each region flock to attend and show off their skills. Initially an in-person exclusive event with several regional tournaments followed by a national invite competition.
How did you feel about the tourney overall?
There was a slightly smaller turnout than I expected, but it was still great to see everyone again. The tourney itself was well organized and efficiently executed, and it was completed in a reasonable time.
Why did you choose to play your series/deck?
It was a last minute decision, but my main motivation to play this deck was the simplicity of it. I was expecting to play five to six rounds, and with that in mind, I wanted to play a consistent deck that I could easily pilot.
What do you think the greatest strengths in your deck were?
The deck excels in many aspects, but the biggest strength would definitely be the high power levels at level zero and the meaningful utility they provide.
What do you think are weaknesses that the deck does not cover very well?
It can be difficult to recover if I take too much damage too quickly. At that point, the game plan pivots to pushing to refresh the deck with the best possible compression while praying for cancels in the next deck.
What did you think about your deck’s performance overall?
The deck performed as expected. When my opponents got unlucky, I was able to capitalize on my advantage.
What was your favourite card in the deck?
My favourite card in the deck is definitely the 1/1 Ruka mill counter. The option to mill yourself or your opponent is very uncommon and can catch your opponent off guard. At the same time, it can be an option to mill my own deck should I need to on the opponent’s turn.
What are some potential changes you would consider making to your deck?
I would definitely change some of the ratios of the deck, to play into certain metas. I would also add one or two copies of 3/2 green Mei and 0/0 Chiyuki to not only give me topdeck information for better attack sequencing but also for another angle of attack when Fuyuko 3/2 combo is not available.
What were some memorable/interesting moments during the tournament?
My last match was quite memorable. I stayed at level one for three turns in my final match, and to my opponent’s dismay, I was able to maintain my relentless assault and answering everything he could throw at me.
What is your favourite part of this series?
The girls are cute, and the majority have very likeable personalities.
How do you feel about the current Japanese sets?
Most recent Japanese sets seem to be designed in a way to not be overly powerful which has made deck building somewhat stale. You have your combo pieces for level zero or one and your finishers at level three. Then you have the staple utility cards and general good stuffs. This leaves few slots remaining for flex cards for personalization or meta choices. However, just on the horizon, we have Nikke coming with unique new effects that seem very powerful from what we’ve seen from spoilers.
Any shout-outs?
Shoutouts to K-OS Collectibles for hosting and to Shiki, Gundra and Purin for overseeing the judging of the event. Special shoutouts to Shiki for handling my nonsense judge call.
Final words?
Having played Weiss Schwarz for over ten years, it feels amazing to see the local community thriving and coming together for an event of this magnitude on an annual basis. Hopefully, Bushiroad does the right thing and keeps the powercreep to a gradual ramp with bumps along the way, but unfortunately, the upcoming spoilers for Nikke does not bode well for the future.
You can use the following link to check out Kelvin Cheung’s decklist: