Re:Zero – Return by Death (R/B) [02/11/2023]

In the quiet moments of serendipity, amidst the ever flowing rhythm of existence, we find ourselves in a feud with the spectre of mortality. What is this sense of defiance present in our consciousness? Tis not an unrelenting permanence for immortality? Is not the meaning of life to be able to defy death and challenge the celestial boundaries of the natural world, to brave the ultimate frontier with unwavering resolve? From the fairy-tale elixirs of promised immortality in ancient folklore to the modern-day technological pursuit of longevity through medicine and science, humanity’s never ending quest for infinite life ripples throughout time. But look no further as the final odyssey through the realm of spirituality may be granted with this discovery!

Natsuki Subaru is the end goal of the deck. Bearing newfound powers and a new purpose, Subaru may allow for a second chance at victory from the clutches of defeat from your opponent. Conquer resilience in the face of adversity, overcoming each setback as you turn your resolve into newfound determination to discover new roads and strategies. Armed with the bodyguard text and low power, you may pay cost at the start of the encore step once Subaru is reversed: to remove all the cards in your clock, return all characters to their owners’ hands, and return all cards in waiting rooms to their owners’ respective deck. With a hefty cost involved, the respective Return by Death event must be in memory as well as Subaru’s climax in your hand.

RZ/S46-094U 死に戻り

Much like any average person, not even death can deter the tax department from hunting you down. Likewise is the case for Subaru with this mandatory Return by Death event. Erupting from his coffin, discovering that his last payment for the IRS was short a few dollars, Subaru retaliates in full force. To make ensure that tax evasion doesn’t happen again, this event allows for the salvage of a character with level less than or equal to the total amount of characters milled by the event. It’s worth noting the event is worded as a brainstorm so the cards will be in the resolution zone into the next deck, allowing for cards to be isolated during deck refresh.

Beatrice is our early game advantage combo. Beatrice gains power on play for the turn and reveals two cards off the top of deck to your opponent with her combo, adding an event or character of their choice to your hand. Fret not if Beatrice reveals a climax off her effect; your opponent is forced to pick the other respective character or event, potentially guaranteeing an instance of Return by Death to hand.

As additional insurance to the prerequisites to be met, we run these two bonders to key pieces for endgame. One of which is Subaru’s trusty steed, Patrasche, pulling him out of the muck if he were ever to get into danger along the way with an added benefit returning itself back to hand as well. As first impressions are important, our fruit salesman ensures a smooth start to the game, making sure your allies are kept healthy and full of vitamin v for victory.

To help maintain hand advantage as a cost for Subaru’s hefty authority, these characters should accompany our early to mid game plan. With the goal of staying on board for multiple turns while requiring low stock or hand costs, the troupe above either grants us additional advantage or maintains board. After successfully playing Return by Death, the Beatrice on the left becomes a cross-turn 6000 power attacker, being able to challenge opposing characters and retaining board with cheap but effective clock encore. The Roswaal in the center cannot be reversed by cost zero or lower characters, ensuring stock generation each turn and that pesky cost zeros can never open lane against our grand illusionist. The Beatrice on the right helps cycle through the deck while potentially turning milled climaxes into extra hand advantage.

From the advantage our great spirit of the forbidden library generates, we can extend that advantage to this early play killer Ram that has its own cost refunded if your board has four or more characters. It’s worth noting that Ram’s attack boost is continuous as long as she is facing a level three character. The Beatrice helps us shift around our board during the opponent’s turn and potentially putting your opponent into a unfavourable position at the beginning of their attack phase.

Some other characters to consider are pseudo finishers without a climax combo to help stick small instances of damage into your opponent’s clock. Beatrice allows for an additional power pump to one of your characters on play and also reveals the top card of your deck for information and dealing one damage if a character is revealed. Rem carries a cantrip effect that allows you to fish for a last minute climax and can additionally assist in cycling through the deck.

RZ/S55-048Cドリルっ子 ベアトリス

Swooping in from the library, Beatrice’s counter acts as a sneaky way to push for a little bit of extra damage. Upon paying her cost, Beatrice’s counter uncovers the truths of the world and pings your opponent for a single point of damage. Keep in mind that with Subaru’s bodyguard ability, you are guaranteed at least a single front during your opponent’s turn and can guarantee get the counter damage off.

Final suggestions are shown above. Beatrice in her swimsuit is a salvage brainstorm that offers some slight power whenever your characters reverse their opponents. Beatrice pouting is a free 4000 powered beater as long as your opponent has less than three climaxes in their waiting room when she’s played from hand. Subaru in shock is a 3500 powered beater that bottom decks himself upon being reversed. Subaru decked in gear is a 4000 powered beater that also gains a level if it is in the center slot of your front-row. Beatrice reaching out is a level one reverser with additional power during your turn.

Going into the level three Natsuki Subaru turn, one should ideally have at least four stock before the attack phase begins to ensure that after exactly three attacks the stock cost of seven is will be met. Woven into the new tapestry of aspiration and determination, your own destiny awaits within the strands of life.  Make your mark, preserve through it all, and you shall be rewarded with the authority to Return by Death!!