The “Yuko” Profile

Ever wanted to gain hand without the use of a climax or through a stroke of luck from something like a brainstorm? If this is the case, then the Yuko profile might be the perfect profile for you.

HLL/WE28-07R やすらぎの時間 夕子

Back during the days where looping combo wasn’t always consistent and grabbing climaxes were rather rare outside of drawing from clocking or hitting pants or bar trigger, Yuko was a godsend for her ability to enable the player to nab extra hand without a climax. Yuko debuted in the second Hina Logic set back in early 2018. Yuko’s ability is simple; upon reversing her opponent, you pay her costs of a single stock and resting another character on your field, and if done so, you may search your deck for a character and add it to hand. To supplement her ability, Yuko came into play with some burst power to help her with her reverse.

Yuko does have a demerit of having her costs, and resting a character could be a big deal, but given the amount of support cards in the backrow without activated rest abilities, these cards are perfect to use as targets for Yuko’s resting costs. Alternatively, if you do not perform a brainstorm ability, that can be a secondary option as well. Given how Yuko works, you’ll almost only ever perform her ability twice at most a turn.

Overall, not many changes have been made to the profile. The costs of a stock and resting another character remain as is with the text on the ability remaining pretty much fully intact. There is the case of Shenlin where you can perform a similar “Yuko”-esque ability but for gaining stock and not having to spend a stock. Shenlin does not come with additional power as a result.

All-in-all, if you really need some extra ways to get hand, Yuko may be the profile for you. Keep in mind that Yuko’s abilities only activate during the turn she’s played onto stage, meaning that even if you do keep Yuko alive the following turn, she will be essentially a weakened vanilla card. Overall, the Yuko profile is a solid profile that does as it states. You fulfill her conditions and pay her costs, and the Yuko profile will help you fetch what you need.