Hololive – Hololive’s Hidden Underbelly (Y/R) [08/30/2023]

Hidden amongst Hololive’s band of vibrant streamers lie the members of the secret society also known as HoloX. At the head of HoloX is La+Darkness (La+), and with her band of fellow gen mates, they operate in the shadows, completing their set goals while no one is none the wiser.

HOL/W104-036U #秘密結社holoX

Seated on her violet throne, La+’s fellow members gather around her as they ready themselves for their mission. Their event allows you to search your deck for a climax while pumping 2000 power to a character. Along with the cost of stock to play this event, you must have three or more characters with the trait Secret Society holoX (秘密結社holoX). To ensure the field condition can be consistently met, the deck will purely feature the members of holoX.

Though her shackles restrict her true power, La+ will make it known that she is not someone who should be trifled with. With a huge devilish smile, La+ is ready to dig into her opponent and savour their demise. To help secure her victory, La+’s finisher deals extra instances of damage when her damage is cancelled. The damage dealt is based on the number of copies of herself on the field. If there is only one copy of herself, she deals one damage once, but if there are two or more copies of herself on stage, she deals one damage twice. Her finisher is needed for many RESONATE effects so make sure you have her in your hand throughout the match.

As the naive intern of the secret society, Chloe requires La+’s guidance to help unleash her potential. Chloe’s combo is one of many effects that has a RESONATE condition so be sure to have La+ in hand. When the conditions are met, Chloe salvages a character on attack and sends the top card of your deck to stock if it’s level one or higher. Paired with her high burst power, Chloe can clean up your opponent’s board while gaining you both hand and stock.

As the de facto leader of the society, it is La+’s duty to bolster her fellow gen mates’ power. Lui acts as a pseudo-brainstormer as her RESONATE effect allows you to check up to three cards and add a character or holoX event from among them. Her brainstormer also allows you to remove a marker for a soul buff which she gains by placing a character underneath herself whenever a climax is triggered. Koyori is a level assist, and her RESONATE effect rests herself to debuff an opposing character’s power and prevents them from using a backup. Iroha is a stock charger if she reverses a level two or higher opponent, and her RESONATE effect gives her a massive 6000 power boost for the turn.

To ensure the game goes smoothly, make good use of the bonders above, and grab important pieces from the deck. Chloe provides two options on what she can bond to: the first is Lui’s pseudo-brainstormer, and the second is La+’s finisher. La+ bonds to the HoloX event and serves as a level zero reverser that sends level zero or lower cards to stock when she’s reversed.

To help further dominate the field, the members of HoloX utilize their backups to ambush their opponents from the shadows. After paying her costs, Lui’s backup allows you to send opposing early-played cards to the waiting room. Looking down at her opposition, Koyori smugly stares at her defeated opponent as she banishes them to memory.

La+’s level zero is an Aqua profile which can help generate hand in the early game. La+’s level one has a RESONATE effect that allows you to ditch a card to check up three cards and add a character or holoX event among them. Kiyori’s level three has a unique early-play condition as she requires you to have two or more copies of herself in waiting room. When played, she allows you to search for a character, and as long as you have two or more characters on stage, she gets 1500 power and hand encore. Iroha’s level zero will get burst power if the top card of your deck is a character or holoX event. At the start of your opponent’s draw phase, you may mill two cards and bounce Iroha if a level two or higher card is milled.

Using streams and concerts, the talents of Hololive continue to captivate the attention and support of their faithful fans. Though, be warned if you decide to look past the colourful front and poke your head out from behind the curtain. Always keep an eye behind your back. You never know who may watching you while lurking within the darkness.