Yuragi-Sou – Sagiri’s Ninja Prowess (B) [03/03/2023]

When it comes to dancing in the shadows while clumsily exposing her body, no one comes close to beautiful and well-endowed Sagiri Ameno. As a member of the prestigious Demon Slaying Ninja Army, Sagiri’s role is to protect Japan from supernatural forces. She stumbles upon Yuuna as she enters the haunted hot springs.

For a simple stock, when Sagiri is played on stage from hand, Sagiri can spawn another copy of herself onto the stage. Her combo gives her a free point of damage on-swing when she attacks. Sagiri’s first ability will be a common theme of the deck as she shadow clones further copies of herself onto the stage.

In the early game, Sagiri is able to dominate the field alone as she replicates other copies of herself onto the stage. If you have her memory condition, she gains a Taigei effect for each of your other blue characters. Her combo grabs up to two copies of herself from the deck and allows you to put them on the stage.

To help supplement our plan, the following two cards above are needed. Sagiri on the left is the memory condition required for our level 1 combo. She is also an on-play power pump that can sack itself to memory to add a character from the top four cards of your deck. Sagiri in the center is a brainstorm with a unique ability to shuffle back two characters from your waiting room to the deck at the start of any of your climax phases while pumping one of your character’s power for the turn. This ability is essential as Sagiri’s effects require copies of herself in the deck to activate her effects, allowing you to recycle her combos and abilities as needed.

Lastly, Sagiri on the right is a level assist with a unique ability at the start of each player’s climax phase to pump a characters of the same name as your center front row character by a global 500 power for the turn. This encourages you to field your front row with copies of the same character to receive the additional power boost.

YYS/W61-083S-SR こっちを見るな! 狭霧

The last Sagiri I’d like to mention before wrapping up this post is the Sagiri shown here. This Sagiri is another card that spawns copies of itself when it is played from hand. For the cheap cost of discarding a blue card, meaning it can be a climax discard outlet, you can bring out another copy of her onto the stage. Furthermore, if you fulfill her memory condition, Sagiri becomes a giant beater that gains 1500 power for each of your other blue characters, making her potentially 11000 if you have a full field without considering supports.

The backup on the left is highly recommended. This event gives a character the ability to bounce to hand when they are sent to waiting room, letting you potentially recycle combos and other important cards. This event can be bonded to by Kogarashi. The other backup gives power equal to the number of characters with the same name on your field, potentially giving an additional 2000 power if you have four copies of a card on stage alongside the base 1000 power from the backup.

Swarm the field with as many Sagiris as possible. Your opponent shall fear the appearance of a single ninja whom duplicates herself into a full field. Sagiri’s clean cut is a great backup option to save a combo piece if you do not have a climax. The other level three Sagiri is a large beater with a cheap damage ping on-play if you reveal a character. 2/2 Sagiri is a great way to beat over your opponent’s board if need be, helping break down annoying threats and early plays.

Make sure to always keep Sagiri’s targets in the deck so she can spawn them onto stage. Remember that you only need one copy to begin Sagiri’s spawning chain.