Grisaia – B*tman Returns (B/G) [07/13/2023]

He hides in the shadows. He creeps from buildings above. He fears none for he is fear itself. While criminals are busy prowling the streets doing insidious acts, he watches. Trained for years in martial arts, master of many languages, and patron of the panty-wetting art, none is as matched to face the underworld more than Kazami Yuuji. Raised from a young age with some questionable tragic [redacted] story, the loss of a family member spurred several changes in the man. As he grew older, he became cold and ruthless, initially much like his mentor, but soon he was able to feel the warmth of soaked cloth from a certain peeing human baboon with red hair…

Meet Mr. Evil Bad Guy. You know he’s evil because he has a goatee and sunglasses. Okay, I know, not all people with goatees and sunglasses are villains. He likes little girls, especially little boys dressed as girls. He is a bad meanie person who probably double dips his fries. Now Yuuji fights against this insidious monster. As a hero of justice, he cannot let any crime go unpunished. Their interaction is summarized here with the contrast of their climax and Oslo, a classic fight between good and evil.

Oslo has no friends. When he’s alone on stage, he gains an enormous amount of power, two additional soul, and the ability to clock-kick whatever he reverses. With the climax in play, and at the start of your attack phase, Oslo can sacrifice the climax and pay costs to wipe out everything on the field that is level 3 or lower that isn’t in front of him. Oslo wants a showdown with his opponent, a clean one vs. one where he brings a gun to a knife fight.

Enter B*tman. B*tman has arrived at the evil facility at night because evil only happens at night. B*tman is here to deliver justice. B*tman heard that Mr. Evil Bad Guy drank coffee with his pasta at an Italian restaurant. Mr. Evil Bad Guy will pay with his life. B*tman swiftly dives into the fray, sneaking past the guards to reach his final opponent. Spurred on by the power of friendship and a sense of duty to fight an incarnation of himself, created by Mr. Evil Bad Guy, as a personification of the tragic horrors and reminders of the life that crafted his identity insert some Persona reference, B*tman knows that this is a battle he must win.

Firstly, when Yuuji is played on stage, he gains power for the turn and also becomes a clock bomb for costless characters during your opponent’s turn. To add to this, when he reverses an opponent with his climax, he allows you to salvage a character to hand. And yes, he uses the same climax as Oslo.

Undergoing his training, Yuuji rides through the triathlon to ensure his stamina is always ready and prepared for whatever may strike. To this end, he gains power when you play a climax, and when he reverses his opponent, he gains the ability to bounce himself and another character on your stage back to hand when he’s front attacked until the end of your opponent’s next turn. Given that the other Yuuji shares a climax with Oslo, we have the luxury of benefiting from two early advantage combos.

Sachi and Tunaman run as two additional combo pieces for our final endgame. Sachi allows you to discard a card and search your deck for any event and add it to hand. This is essential as you can pick out Tunaman and add him to hand. Tunaman himself lets you sacrifice characters and deal damage to your opponent equal to the number of characters sent in this manner. This is great since Oslo field wipes you anyway, so you can benefit earlier in the turn by sacrificing those same characters before Oslo does his combo for a bit more damage.

GRI/S84-002S-SR 迷宮に咲く花 蒔菜

Yuuji’s daughter Makina appears as an alternative key piece to stall out the game further. Makina is a nice free-refresher on-play as long as you discard a copy of herself. She also gains bodyguard and power until the end of your opponent’s next turn, frustrating your opponent’s board if they cannot deal with her. Ideally, they’ll crash into her as well, making her sort of a pseudo Oslo while also helping you extend your resources into the later game. If you choose not to place Makina in the center of your stage, she loses her bodyguard effect (bodyguard has to be in center to activate) and you can combo her along with Yuuji’s level 1 combo, essentially letting you recycle her back to hand for more shenanigans if they choose to front him.

Given that we have an endgame that deletes our field, we want to play utility-based cards that add to our advantage or help grab combo pieces. Kazuki is great as an early play healer, but more importantly, she allows us to create an extra board for our Tunaman event for a cheap cost. Makina helps us dig for our climaxes and other cards on-play.

Due to the large amount of level 1 or higher cards, Makina on the left is great to potentially bounce back to hand during the opponent’s turn to gain extra hand advantage. Makina on the right is a clock Adachi that can potentially rest itself once per turn if you reveal a level 2 or higher card from the top of your deck upon reverse.

Kazuki is the best brainstorm of choice to help with getting events to hand. Drop search Yuuji can help you gather your pieces while also helping your other cards with getting reversals. Yumiko is especially good at colour fixing for our deck since we run multiple colours at every level. Stock charger Kazuki helps us generate extra resources, which is great since we run multiple level 1 combos. Yumiko in a yukata lets you discard climaxes to exchange them for resources while also growing in size when your other characters attack. Lastly, 1/1 Kazuki is a stock Adachi, helping eliminate early or cheated-out threats.

Generate resources and prepare for the finishing scene where big boss Oslo fights against your opponent’s singular threat. It’ll be a duel for the ages where you’ll get the upper hand. Combine the scenes of master and student, Mr. Evil Bad Guy and B*tman, as they work simultaneously together to bring your opponent to defeat.