Who’s that young girl lass walking down the hallway with her specked-out shoes. Beauty as far as my eye can see with the orange-tinted locks flowing freely as she moves. She possesses a personality so divine that it is said to have been sculpted by Aphrodite herself. The embodiment of talent herself marches right up into the center of the stage surrounded by her familiar friends as her powerful voice riles up the crowd. I don’t want to invoke any sort of copyright clause, but she’s picture-perfect just like a certain camera company.
This deck was built for the Love Live! Superstar! winner of the Love Live! SIF Anniversary poll in 2023. Idea submitted by Miso.

This is Shibuya Kanon. There is nothing she can’t do because she’s Kan-on, not Kan-off (thanks for the silent applause). Kanon above is the signature finisher of the deck. Gaining power for each of your opponent’s backrow, nothing can stop the inevitable defeat of your opponent when Kanon performs her combo with a Moca effect. Furthermore, she gains the ability when she swings to deal two damage to your opponent by discarding three characters to the waiting room after she attacks, meaning you can pay her hefty cost to deal an additional bit of damage as a pseudo encore to her swings.

LSP/W92-025C …好きなのにね かのん (center)
LSP/W92-041R-RRR どこまでも飛んでいける (right)
Kanon may not have a combo at level 1, but that doesn’t stop her from declaring dominance over your opponent. Carrying a climax that works on both the cards above, Kanon is always gaining fans and support alike. 2/1 Kanon gains power for each of your other characters. If you have a full field, her combo allows you to salvage a character to hand and then place a character from waiting room into stock. 0/0 Kanon is a tap self-salvage brainstorm that sacrifices her climax in play at the start of your encore phase to salvage a character to hand.

Due to the strict hand requirements for the finisher, Kanon needs several ways to maintain hand and the two cards above are perfect for the job. Kanon has a level 0 stock reverser on the left that can potentially add hand by performing her Aqua effect when she’s sent to waiting room. Kanon on the right has a pseudo encore profile that allows her to rest herself if you are lucky enough to reveal a level 2 or higher card off the top of our deck when she’s reversed.

LSP/W92-065C チェケラッ!! かのん (center)
LSP/W92-T02SP-SP 澁谷 かのん (right)
In terms of utility, no one surpasses our lovely tangerine goddess. By invoking her younger self on the left, Kanon carries a scry ability and an on-reverse drop salvage that also compresses herself to memory. Kanon looking proper in the center is an on-play burst beater with the ability to bounce another character on your stage back to hand to reuse its abilities in later turns. Lastly, Kanon on the right is a power pump Chiyuri profile, perfect for cycling through the deck.

One other interesting tech to consider is the Kanon assist above. Blessed is this kitty whose life will be sacrificed for the greater good in worship of the divine deity known as Kanon. Kanon turns all the level 0 Aqua profile into 2500 powered backups from hand which can surprise your opponents in a pinch.

For our other late-game options, we have both early-play Kanons above who are canon to the deck (thanks for the silent applause again). The first Kanon on the left is a bodyguard profile on-play until the end of your opponent’s next turn. If you can defend her well, you can potentially wipe out your opponent’s entire front row. The other Kanon sticking her fingers toward the sky is another early play (two climaxes or less) that lets you check three cards and adds a card among them.

Outside of the level 1 assist that turns our Aqua profiles into backups, we also have Kanon above cheering with her friends. The power from her divine cheer will kick reversed opponents to memory, clearing the path to victory.
Kanon is love. Kanon is life. Kanon is beauty. Kanon is wife. Kanon is gentle. Kanon is kind. Kanon is smart. Kanon is refined. Kanon is power. Kanon is strong. Kanon is a like a flower. Kanon can rhyme. Kanon does care. A maiden so fair. Kanon seeks truth. Kanon is justice. Kanon is youth. Kanon is cuteness. When in doubt, use your Kanon to “cannon” your way through.