Slime – True Draco Buster (R) [11/03/2022]

If you spend enough time in the Tempest Federation, you may stumble across a pink-haired child happily roaming the streets. While her disposition is very childish, Milim’s power is anything of that sort. With her dragon heritage flowing within her blood, this demon lord is ready to release the wrath of the dragons at a moment’s notice.

Bear witness to Milim’s draconic power as she uses her restrained strength to send stardust to rip through her opponents. Her level 3 on the left is the finisher of the deck, and her combo allows her to perform one of two effects which proc depending on the situation: if Milim direct attacks, you may pay her costs, and she deals an additional two damage, or if Milim reverses an opponent, she allows you to play her event in the center for two stock. Her event makes your opponent reveal the top seven cards of their deck and shuffles them back into their deck. For every revealed climax, Milim fuels her magic and sends a magical explosion that places the same amount of cards from the top of your opponent’s deck into their clock.

As one of Milim’s best friends, Rimiru is ready to help her unlock her devastating finishing potential. Rimiru’s combo allows him to trigger twice for free. The extra trigger has two purposes: to help generate stock for the end game and to gain advantages through an increased chance of triggering soul and standby triggers. Be sure to utilize this combo to push for extra damage and to fill your stage through standby triggers.

With the level 1 combo not generating hand, the pink-haired duo above can assist in assembling your combos. Milim on the left is a salvage brainstormer, and if the level 3 Milim is on stage, the brainstormer’s cost can be paid to check three cards of your deck and add a card from amongst them. Shuna on the right can have her cost paid to reveal the top two cards and add a level 1 or higher card amongst them. Shuna can also make excellent use of any ACT effect to give a character a 1000 power boost whenever an ACT effect is used (once per turn).

Both of the cards above will bounce to your hand whenever you play a climax. Their bounce effect helps make room for cards being spawned through standby while providing other benefits. When played from hand, Kurobe allows you to check and rearrange the top two cards of your deck, and his bounce gives a one soul buff to one of your characters. On-play from hand, Rimiru lets you surveil while his bounce gives a 2000 power boost. Both of these cards’ top checks can work well with the previously mentioned backrow cards as they allow you to manipulate the top card of your deck. Choose from either of the two bounce options based on what you prefer.

TSK/S82-042U ゴブリン村の戦い リムル

Rimiru bolsters his forces as he readies himself to defend his village. When played, his cost can be paid to check up to four cards of your deck and add a card from amongst them; additionally, his alarm effect swaps him with a red card in your hand. His effects pair nicely with standby as his check can mill standby targets while adding a climax or Milim’s event. His alarm swap makes him a good clock target as he can help send standby targets to your waiting room when you level up.

With the deck comprising of eight standby climaxes, some expensive and powerful cards can be spawned early. Milim on the left is ready to shine as an early game wall. She gets a 3500 power boost and an extra level when battling a cost zero opponent. Even when she’s defeated, she can be cheaply brought back with a clock encore. In the center, Milim’s card gets power based on your backrow and allows you to surveil whenever she attacks. Benimaru commands the stage with a global 1500 power boost and has a static effect to deal additional burns when his opponent is reversed if you pay his costs.

With this mainly defensive deck, the oni siblings’ backups can prove to be quite helpful. Shuna is a Leafa counter and gives a 2000 boost. Benimaru can help with removing high powered threats with his 3000 power boost and on-reverse memory kick.

Surprisingly, Milim isn’t all destruction and chaos; her level 0 can serve as a nice way to mill and ditch any unneeded cards. On-play, she allows you to send a card from hand to stock while her ACT ability allows you to pay a cost to reveal up to four cards and add a character from amongst them. Shuna possesses some extra utility that makes good use of your waiting room. She has a level 1 Riko and a level 0 drop salvage that can side attack for free if her on-play forced mill sends a level 0 character to your waiting room.

Having met and lived with the citizens of Tempest Federations, Milim has gained a vague understanding of the responsibility that comes with her immense power. With her new understanding, she now uses her overwhelming power to obliterate anyone who dares to threaten her friends and their home.