Hololive – Korone Gamers Revisited (Y/G) [03/17/2023]

Your favourite cornet dog has made her grand return and you will forfeit your fingers whether you want to or not. The release of Hololive’s second set gave Korone’s previous deck some notable improvements. Along with her fellow gamer generation mates, Korone once again takes to the stage to effortlessly wreak havoc wherever she pleases.

As the star of the deck, Korone’s level three aims to finish her opposition chaotically. Her initial effect allows you to salvage an event for the cost of a single stock. After her attack, her climax combo lets her bite her opponent to deal two damage. While her bite does not require any cost, it has a penalty of forcing a climax from your opponent’s waiting room into their deck after her free damage (you choose which climax). Utilize her combo to deal extra damage if you are low on resources.

Korone’s level one climax combo invites her many friends to join her party. Korone’s combo gives a character the effect to search your deck for a character when their opponent becomes reversed. Paired with her burst power, a full field of Korone’s combo can help you assemble hand whether your opponent has a full field or only a single reverse target.

With Korone’s level one and three combo sharing the same climax, another combo can be added. Fubuki’s level three combo is a nice finisher if you have resources to spare. After her cost is paid, Fubuki deals two damage, and after her burn takes place, she allows you to return up to two cards to your opponent’s deck. Her on-play effect lets you check the top three cards of your deck and add a card among them. This can help you assemble her combo or to help pay for her combo’s cost.

The gamers assemble in their event, and they help by milling through your deck while adding hand. Mio on the right juggles a lot of effects that provide various advantages. She provides global power during your turn and allows you to top-check whenever a character is played. Her final effect allows you to pay a cost to salvage the Gamers event whenever you play a climax.

Korone on the left gives the Gamers event added utility by allowing it to be played as a backup. The backup effect condition requires you to have two or more characters in play along with the Korone on the left to be in memory. When you pay her costs, she sends herself to memory and salvages her level one combo or level three on the right. One final effect of note is her ability to give a 1000 power boost to one of your characters when Korone is played.

Her level three on the right can be early played if you have two or more Gamer events in your waiting room. She gets an immense amount of burst power when she attacks equal to the number of your other characters on stage multiplied by 1000. Korone’s overabundance of energy allows her to rebound from anything. When she gets reversed, a cost can be paid to simultaneously encore herself and reverse her opponent.

If the event’s effect is not as useful in your hand, Korone has some cards that allow you to ditch the event for a variety of beneficial effects. Along with her 3000 power burst on-play, power officer Korone on the left arrests a character through a salvage by discarding an event from hand. Korone on the right is a back row assist that allows you to rest her and ditch the event to perform one of two effects: she may dig up a character through a search or bounce an opposing character to your opponent’s hand.

Both cards above gain burst power while allowing you to manipulate your hand. Korone gets power for the turn for each of your other characters on stage and allows you to hand-fix when her opponent is reversed. The hand fix can help you draw the Gamer event or a climax while ditching unneeded cards. Fubuki gets 6000 power when battling a level three and allows you to search a character if a climax is in play when she reverses her opponent.

While the Gamers event can be played as a backup, other backups can provide power. Mio’s backup is costless and provides 2000 power. Korone can act either as a back row level assist or a 3000 power backup. Finally, Okayu’s backup serves up 3000 power while milling the bottom cards of your opponent’s deck (the amount milled equals the number of characters you have on stage).

Okayu’s level zero can rest herself to pump power and the ability to clock swap a reversed opponent, and additionally, she can send herself to stock when an event is played. Okayu gains power when an event is played and decompresses your opponent with her level three. The amount she mills is equal to six multiplied by the number of Gamer events in your waiting room. Be sure to utilize Okayu’s mill to reset your opponent’s deck.

Though she may have an energetic and carry a playful disposition, Korone’s mischievous side can be pretty scary. With the combination of her energetic and chaotic personality, once the dog gets going, she leaves a path of destruction.