As the leader of the SSS (Afterlife Battlefront), Yuri is the dependable general who leads her “un”willing compatriots into battle against the menace known as Angel. While submitting her allies to infinite forms of death, Yuri raises the stakes against God himself, making use of her trusty pistol as she marches straight into the fight.

Yuri above makes a large declaration to your opponent, signifying that death is arriving. During your climax phase, you may pay her costs to stand her and spawn another copy of herself from your waiting room, ready to swing if you have her climax in play. Additionally, and this is important to note, Yuri triggers twice whenever she swings, building two stock over the usual one.

The reason that Yuri’s double trigger is important lies in the event above. For a hefty cost of eight stock, a full board, and a discard of two hand, this event will deal a single point of damage five times straight, hopefully closing out the game in your favor.

Kab/W78-086C SSSのリーダー ゆり (center)
Kab/W78-081U 神への復讐 ゆり (right)
Yuri carries her own brainstorm that doubles as our level 1 combo as well. She can pay a cheap stock to stand the other two targets shown here. The center Yuri is a large beater that has built-in encore if she’s the only one left standing at the start of your encore phase in the front row. The other Yuri carries a built-in time machine effect when she’s reversed. The brainstorm’s climax is shown below.

Yui is an important inclusion to the deck to pump power to one of your characters on-play and for her secondary ability to bounce herself back to hand on climax play. She helps maintain hand advantage while also ensuring that you are able to reverse your opponent’s board.

As for the big reveal for our secondary game plan, we have the dynamic duo of Shiina and Yusa. Shiina gains power, turning into a 6500 whenever an ACT is used (once a turn), making backups ever more deadly and threatening. Yusa capitalizes on the ACT effect even further, allowing you to empower your field even more. Since the deck is a standby deck, Yusa can be cheated out fairly early and begin wreaking havoc on your opponent’s field.

Yuri is the secret extra finisher to this deck. If we are not able to finish our opponent with the hefty Kanade event, Yuri can finish the job with her last shot.

Kab/W78-009S-SR 真夏の天使 かなで (center)
Kab/W78-078U 出会った二人 かなで&ゆり (right)
Backups are highly encouraged for this deck as we want to be controlling the field as much as possible and preserve our means to make extra stock for the end game. Assuming we have a level 3 finisher on field, backups can keep them alive, letting us turbo-charge stock for the event. Furthermore, backups are key to powering up both our Shiina and Yusa during our opponent’s turn to make surprise reversals.
In terms of other suggestions for the deck, we have several key filter options to ensure the consistency of our cards. Remember that we just need a single 3/2 Yuri to begin the chain of spawning more of her on field. As long as we are able to keep Yuri alive, we will be able to easily stock enough to play the event to ping our opponent to death. Given that we are also a standby deck, we will be running a higher amount of level 1 or higher cards, making 0/0 Kanade herself a very great target to maintain hand in the early game.
Deploy Yuri’s genius tactics and take over the field. Complete your assigned mission by the SSS, and eliminate your opponent.