Azur Lane – Making Eagle Union Great Again (B) [12/21/2022]

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of the Eagle Union, where stars and stripes are abound and the word “freedom” is displayed in front of every household, rises the strong mighty nation. Enemies quake as the warships clad in blue, white, and red approach, bringing with them unrivaled firepower to blast straight through their defences.

Enterprise is the big boss of the fleet. As a member of the big seven, Enterprise storms the seas, seeking any who dare oppose the fleet and sinking them with her powerful aerial attacks. Enterprise has an interesting ability that incentives keeping her around for a following turn. When she attacks with her climax, you may reveal the top, and if that card is a Warship (観戦) character, she deals three damage to your opponent and gains the ability to prevent her from becoming reversed until the end of your opponent’s next turn. If you do manage to survive until your next turn, you can simply reuse her climax and continue the onslaught again.

For our early advantage combos, we have two choices in Brementon and San Diego. Brementon on the left carries a Cigarettes’ combo ability with an additional ability to grant herself a soul if you choose to add a character that is level two or higher back to hand. San Diego is a reverse combo requiring two experience in level that lets you salvage a character while pumping another character’s power for further reverses.

Either combo is great. Both combo with an arc trigger, which is the most important part for this deck. Pick whichever combo you’d prefer.

This deck has many little nuances going for it that do grant you a greater reward if you are able to meet all its conditions. I’ve slightly mentioned experience before with San Diego being an important member that uses the mechanic. New Jersey above is also a member that requires the experience mechanic for power. She’s a healer that also carries her own climax combo.

Now you may be thinking and questioning the introduction of multiple level three combos, but the reason that New Jersey is being introduced here is primarily for her resonance ability. Although not printed on the card directly, many other cards from Eagle Union (ユニオン) are reliant on her for their resonance effects.

Since Enterprise herself is not a healer, New Jersey also covers the need for healing. Her combo lets her deal damage on attack (if you meet her experience condition) equal to the number of copies of herself on field. Taking this into consideration, you can control the amount of damage you want to deal with this ability. Consider slotting her combo as well, if you’d like. But make sure to run a healthy amount for all her resonance abilities.

Among the most important of New Jersey’s resonant targets lies Independence and Essex. Independence is an on-reverse top deck stock charger when a climax is in play. She gains power by resonating with New Jersey for the turn. Essex is an early play filter that also gains power by resonating with New Jersey; however, unlike Independence, New Jersey’s power lasts until the end of your opponent’s next turn.

Other notable targets include the backrow line up of Bataan and Casa Blanca above. Bataan acts as a constant climax filter whenever you resonate (once a turn), letting you consistently filter away climaxes from hand. Her resonate ability ensures you will likely gain an additional hand each turn while milling your deck. Casa Blanca is a power pump whenever you use a resonate ability (once a turn), and additionally, she is another way to cantrip your hand right at the start of your climax phase.

As mentioned earlier, we have another mechanic with this one related to working around arc triggers. The three above are some nice additions that play well with the mechanic. Vincennes is a pseudo clean cut that needs a reverse with an arc trigger climax in play to spawn a cost zero onto the field from the waiting room in any slot rested. Cavalla is a support that can pump your characters by 1500 and resting itself while letting you filter hand whenever an arc trigger is hit. Ticonderoga is another climax filter that grants the ability to all your characters when they swing. She can also resonate with New Jersey to pump one of your characters by 2000 power for the turn.

In terms of supports, Hornet is great at rearranging your top two triggers to give you knowledge and guarantee Enterprise’s check condition. Portland is a nice level three assist that holds another arc trigger filtering ability.

In terms of backups, Long Island is great as a nice Leafa counter to help filter your hand. Birmingham is a memory counter to help rid persistent threats.

As for suggestions, make sure to take note of Washington who carries an on-play Fumio ability. Bailey is an Adachi profile with on-play scry that can help in the late game to ensure a character for Enterprise. Remember that Hammann’s climax discard ability is not once per turn or on-play. You can do this ability as long as you have the ability to do so. She can also be slotted in the front row since she gives your other middle center slot character 1500 power.

Make sure to stockpile up and filter as needed to prepare for the arrival of Enterprise. Alternatively, consider blasting away at your opponent with your multiple copies of New Jersey on field.