Bofuri – Akashic Record and Eight Books (B) [08/18/2022]

Kanade opens up the doors of the Akashic Record, a library of limitless knowledge. Along the way, partnering up with Sally, the two form an indominable pair, facing the game world without any worries or fears.

This deck was suggested by Rysher.

Starting off with the deck’s main payoff, we have Sally above, a healing restander that grows whenever she swings. Her restand condition costs quite a bit of resources, but no reverse is required, meaning Sally can stand back up with her second wind.

Kanade is the main advantage engine in the deck. His combo allows you to fetch the event in the center to hand from either waiting room or your deck when the climax is played. He can also pump another character’s power on swing (including himself). The center event is an Akatsuki event, helping you add a Game (ゲーム) character to hand and mill your deck.

BFR/S78-085SR 多種多彩 カナデ

The biggest payoff to running eight books lies with the Kanade above. While being a power pump on climax play is already a nice effect, his brainstorm allows you to reveal six cards over the usual four, but he only allows you to gain hand if you reveal a book trigger. Regardless, since the deck is running eight books, Kanade will likely be a great asset to restoring hand and potentially looping combos for advantage.

Maple is the main way to generate stock. She forcibly sends any card she reverses to memory, which can aid in your opponent’s compression, but for the sake of our finisher, Maple is outstanding to ensure Sally has enough stock to restand. Dredd in the center is a great way to replenish hand while being a powerful beatstick on your turn. Lastly, Frederica performs double duty of milling your deck and ideally looping climaxes to hand for your combos.

As for deck filters, the Maple to the left is a great card to potentially salvage useful targets to hand. With the extra hand generated from book triggers, she’s a great option to transform hand into more relevant cards for your situation while giving you information about your top trigger. The Maple and Sally card in the center acts as a scry and hand filter on swing. Lastly, Maple and Sally on the right is a level reducer, demoting your opponent’s cards for a cheap hand discard cost.

Throwing a Frederica counter in front of your 1/0 stock charging Maple could turn quite a few heads and enable you to reuse their stock gain abilities the following turn should you have a climax. Izu is an oversized counter to ensure that your field remains dominant, even into the late game.

Dorag is an interesting card that depowers your opponent’s front field, potentially sniping low powered utility cards. Furthermore, his second ability allows you to perform a re-draw on play, potentially netting a more useful card. The level 0 Sally is an interesting card as a means to potentially net extra hand during the damage step while giving you the funny opportunity to yell out a saying. She’s a great turn 1 play, hitting 4000 power if she’s alone on your field, potentially being a threat your opponent will simply have to ignore temporarily. Use the power of books to open up the Akashic Library and change fate for good.