Mushoku Tensei – Master and Student (Y/B) [07/19/2022]

Roxy and Rudeus share a powerful master and student relationship. Rudeus was born with powerful magical affinity, granting him great potential in becoming a grand mage in the future. Under Roxy’s guidance, Rudeus’ skills and powers flourished, potentially even turning the tide in their relationship.

The lovely Roxy is the finisher of choice in this deck. Roxy is a potent healer and finisher with an interesting modal ability. You may simply freely deal a single damage to your opponent when she swings, or you may pay her cost of discarding two cards from hand to deal a larger amount of three damage.

The early level advantage comes with Rudeus who acts as a simple means of adding hand advantage while pumping himself with power for the turn.

MTI/S83-086SR “陽だまりの中で”ロキシー

The benefits of running solely Roxy and Rudeus lies with the Roxy card above. She is a large oversized beater, however, her secondary effect benefits the deck that runs these two exact combos. Whenever the climaxes for this deck are triggered by any of your characters, you can pay a stock (effectively paying them out) to get a draw.

The Roxy cards above are great additions to the deck. The Roxy to the left is a power pump specifically to the level 1 combo Rudeus, potentially letting you combo again the following turn should your opponent be unable to deal with them. Furthermore, she can exchange herself into your finisher Roxy at level 3. The Roxy brainstorm to the right works in conjunction with the 1/0 Roxy from before, helping to ideally push for extra damage or force triggers to gain more hand.

Another pairing in the deck are the Roxy and the Migurdia amulet shown above. Roxy has an interesting ability to both scry your opponent’s top and bottom cards of their deck, thus helping you gauge damage dealt. This works great in tandem with the finisher Roxy. Furthermore, she bonds into the amulet on the right. The amulet is great for refilling the hand, thus ensuring that you can potentially pay for level 3 Roxy‘s costs if you wish to. Keep in mind that it is a fail target for the Rudeus level 1 combo as an event.

Considering the level 1 combo does require experience, running the Rudeus to the right is a good early play option to deal with opposing early plays. Furthermore, you can also run the Roxy beater to the left which gets power and encore should you have the Rudeus in level.

Some other suggestions for the deck are shown with the Rudeus above. The Rudeus on the left is a one turn power pump with a unique ability to bounce itself back to hand to help rearrange your deck and power pump other card further. The center Rudeus is an interesting stock bomb that can also help bounce your other cards back to hand. Lastly, the Rudeus to the right is a great going second response that can eliminate your opponent’s sole front row character. It is also an expensive way to grab hand as well.

Diaper Rudeus is a rest counter which can help protect your life total from dangerous threats. Roxy is a free 2000 powered counter which could be beneficial, considering the large power of your Rudeus level 1 combos on field.

Roxy and Rudeus share a powerful master and student relationship. She cultivates his early magic skills which go on to become the foundation of his power throughout the rest of his life. Their memories early on form the basis from which Rudeus grows as both a powerful mage and person. Utilize their skills and magical prowess to best your opponent.