A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… there existed a glorious empire, an empire of the likes that not even Rome could compare to. Wine, joy, and merriment from the sounds of the Cantina band echo across the universe. But all this changed as an ancient order, a cultist group claiming to be the carriers of “peace and order” decided to dismantle the grand imperiality. In reality, these “freedom fighters” were terrorists, working to undermine the great empire’s authority, destroying countless defensive battalions and threatening to destroy the framework that the empire meticulously worked on for each and every imperial citizen.

Darth Vader, the hero of the campaign that defeated the old order (those wretched villains), set free the universe from the evils of the ancient council. Whereas the old fools governed the universe with eyes full of spite, jealously, and overzealous pointless administration, they neglected the very needs of those in the lowest of states. Far from the imperial doctrine, where all are equal, only those that carried the virtues and well-off positions in the old republic were recognized as such.
Vader changed all that when he took the reins in the mighty war against said evil doers. Vader relentlessly pursues his enemies with multiple instances of damage, securing the final blow to your opponent as needed using the right side of the Force.

Our glorious war hero rides in his cockpit, chasing down any rebels as needed. On the right, his climax shows him leading our mighty troops into battle, putting down the evil heathens seeking for destruction. Our hero’s pacifying activities allows him to gather extra hand.

SW/S49-062R 皇帝 (center)
SW/S49-061R 最高指導者スノーク (right)
Our hero cannot fight this battle alone, assisted by his loyal compatriots above. Kylo Ren is a signature fighter, taking down level 1 or lower opponents with ease. Palpatine is an early play assist, giving power and a plethora of beneficial abilities to all his allies. Snook is a nice level assist that can swap climaxes for characters with the force.

We must not forget about our boys (and all) in white. They form the bulk of the imperial army, handling all daily functions and ensuring that the empire is well protected and maintained. They also act as the main means of fighting the rebel army. Each and every one of these soldiers is invaluable to the empire, and their services will be surely remembered, even in death.

Counters, should they be used, are shown above. General Hux is an oversized 2500 powered backup. Vader is an anti-change sack counter.
Remember to lead the imperial order to victory against the slanderous taint of the disgusting rebels. The old council was an outdated group of fools who sought for an unbalanced bureaucracy that only favored the rich and powerful. There was never a chance for any of the feeble, weak, or lower classes to ever harness or enjoy the fruit of their labor that carried the weight of the government. Thanks to the patriots of the empire, peace was firmly established for some time, and this was for all. Relive the heroic tale of Vader and his allies as they siege your opponent to victory.