For those who are unfamiliar, the Vancouver Battle Royale is a large tournament that features a variety of fighting games, TCGs, and other games. They host prized tourneys taking place in a physical venue for competitors to battle for the coveted grand prize.

So what did you feel about the tourney overall?
“I had a fun time at the tourney. It was a great experience meeting all these players from different regions. I haven’t been in Vancouver for ages, and it was refreshing to see both new and older sights.”
What do you think the greatest strengths in your deck were?

ALL/S90-106U マスコット対決 (center)
ALL/S90-109CC 天を舞う少女 (right)
“It would be the powerful level 1 game. The Ran was crucial for looping advantage thanks to its combo with the pants trigger. Being able to consistently recover the Operation Tornado event allowed me to always have a means of both milling the deck and grabbing a larger selection of cards where needed, letting me set-up for my current and following turns.
Additionally, the end-game for the deck is extremely powerful, allowing for multiple instance of damage while requiring only small handful of resources, making it extremely efficient.”
What do you think are weaknesses that the deck does not cover very well?
“It would likely be the mid-game. As powerful as the deck is in the early stage of the game, the middle game doesn’t carry as much impact to push my opponent to level 3. Looping my early game advantage is great, however, as much as it retains and increases my resources, if it doesn’t push for damage, I may end up overwhelmed by my opponent. The event can also potentially mill away far too many climaxes in the early game, possibly aiding my opponent in pushing me to my end-game far too early.
Despite the powerful end-game, there is also a chance that no damage is dealt since the finishing ability is rather random.”
What did you think about your deck’s performance overall?
“I think my deck did pretty well. There were probably a few small changes I could have made, but in the end, my deck performed as it needed. There were also a few unlucky moments, but I feel the deck is solid overall. イノチ!”
What was your favourite card in your deck?

“My favourite card would have be the 0/0 Kazuha. The card is a great beatstick on top of churning my large hand into additional resources.”
What are some potential changes you would consider making to the deck?

“While I do think the early level 0 Riki is a great card to run, sometimes, I feel like it may be better for me to gain advantage through the old 0/0 Shenlin instead. I would also love to run cards that have draw effects or check up to x in order to draw climaxes.”
What was your hardest match-up?
“The Princess Connect matchup I faced was quite difficult. During the game, I was quite behind early due to some mishaps. Everything seemed to be going quite well for my opponent until the later stages of the game.”
What was your favourite moment(s) in the tournament?
“I encountered a Zero no Tsukaima matchup along with that of salvage gate Re:Zero. I also faced a Do-Dai deck. It was my first time playing against that deck. I am now terrified.”
What is your favourite part of this series?
“Assault Lily is really cute. I love all the girls. Their designs are adorable. There’s also many of my favourite voice actresses voicing them.”
Any shout-outs?
“I’d like to thank the Vancouver Weiss community for being so welcoming and friendly to my other two friends and I. I would also like to thank the Toronto Weiss community for their suggestions on my deck.”
Final words?
“I quite enjoyed this tournament. I would love to come back to Vancouver and meet all my new found friends sometime. I love Aimi!”
Level 0 (17):
ALL/SE37-P02SR – “レギオン、集結”一葉 x1
ALL/S90-078RR – “言葉なく猛る”瑤 x1
ALL/S90-078SP-SP – “言葉なく猛る”瑤 x1
ALL/SE37-11N – 戦場に舞う 梅 x2
ALL/S76-071SR – 戦場に舞う 梅 x1
ALL/SE37-07SR – 凛々しく咲く 二水 x2
ALL/S76-034R – 凛々しく咲く 二水 x1
ALL/S90-052R – “旬なリリィ”夢結 x2
ALL/S76-035RR – 夏の思い出 梨璃&夢結 x3
ALL/S90-001RR – “パジャマパーティー”叶星 x3
Level 1 (12):
ALL/S90-106U – マスコット対決 x4
ALL/S90-101C – “序列1位の権利”一葉 x1
ALL/S76-050U – あなたのくれた名前 結梨 x1
ALL/S90-055R – “先輩と後輩と仲間たち”ミリアム x2
ALL/S90-085R – “ヘルヴォル”藍 x4
Level 2 (3):
ALL/S76-028C – さりげないアドバイス 神琳 x1
ALL/S76-074SR – 穏やかな午睡 梅 x1
ALL/S90-067U – “一柳隊”夢結 x1
Level 3 (10):
ALL/S76-043SR – 戦場に舞う 二水 x1
ALL/SE37-04N – 戦場に舞う 夢結 x1
ALL/S90-P02SPR – “焔の中の断罪者”白井夢結 x1
ALL/SE37-12SR – 凛々しく咲く 梅 x1
ALL/SE37-12RR – 凛々しく咲く 梅 x2
ALL/S76-037RR – 凛々しく咲く 梨璃 x4
Climaxes (8):
ALL/S76-064CR – 再会はよろこび x4
ALL/S90-109RRR – 天を舞う少女 x4
All cards that are from the portrait booster have been linked to their alternative card version in the original booster set.
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