The 4th Generation of Hololive is carried by the four members (and one former member): Amane Kanata, Tsunomaki Watame, Tokoyami Towa, Himawari Luna, and the now gone, Kiryu Coco. A generation of dangerous creatures, the 4th Generation (4期生) arrives in Weiss with powerful game ending abilities. Fueled by their wishes for nothing but rampant destruction (exception for Kanata), the 4th Generation gathers up all their energy to blow up any who oppose them.

The main powerhouse of the deck is shown with the Coco above. Coco has a wondrous ability to perform her own finishing Icy Tail effect up to five times, as long as you can afford the costs, to potentially burn out your opponent in one single strike. Keep in mind that cost payments are optional, and the costs can only be paid when she reverses her opponent.

Watame my wife is our main advantage engine here. Alternatively, you may consider using Luna as Luna also accomplishes the same goal but requires a reverse. Watame mills the deck and grabs a Hololive (ホロライブ) character to hand (cigarettes combo). She’s a decent way to plus and push the deck closer to refresh. Did you know only male rams have horns on their head?

HOL/W91-T094TD 大人の味 角巻わため (center)
HOL/W91-062S-SR 本物はどっち? 天音かなた (right)
Since Coco devours every resource available in our arsenal, leaving nothing behind in her wake, we must find ways to ensure our hand and stock are properly filled. Coco, why did you leave us? Using Watame’s glorious expressions, we can use some luck based effects to try and roll into extra stock. The Watame on the left plays a gamble with your opponent to hopefully net extra stock. The center Watame is a climax swapper that conveniently goes to stock when her damage is cancelled. Kanata is an on-play beater that has a one-time on play ability to stock two cards from hand.

To further push forward and ensure that the opponent is finished, the above event is highly recommended. It’s also a secondary means to deal damage if by any chance Coco is unavailable just like reality.

HOL/W91-008SP-SP #つのまきあーと 角巻わため (center)
HOL/WE36-16HLP-HLP キミと願うミライ 常闇トワ (right)
Some other interesting cards are shown above. Luna is a self-sacking J.C. profile that helps you save your other cards while being a decently large sized beater. Watame our glorious leader is an early play that has a check ability to get rid of any annoying early played threats. Towa is a way to refill the hand and my heart with a milling ability to potentially compress the power of one of your opponent’s front stage characters.

In terms of back rows, and in order to empower our mommy dragon, the following two choices are suggested. It is up to you as to which one you’d prefer. Towa has the potential to come out for free by refunding stock on play. Her last ability can be used force a reverse for Coco if your opponent leaves out an open spot in their front row stage. Watame comes with a nice check top two ability to help you rearrange for your swing (and ideally check for choice triggers for additional hand/stock).

Some last minute mentions are shown above. Towa is the deck’s brainstorm, but more importantly, her first ability as an alarm helps you push for double triggers, ideally striking climaxes for more hand or stock gain. Kanata is an all-in-one toolbox with three different abilities to benefit your team. Choose the right skill accordingly for your situation. Bushiroad, where are my other sheep cards?

Backups aren’t too important considering that any defensive power is usually carried by your level one Luna when she sacrifices herself to bounce your other characters to hand. However, if you wish to use any backups at all, Watame bless this sheep is a refunding counter that’s 2000 power, which is beneficial to clean out dirty stock while retaining stock. Kanata’s climax is unused, so her initial ability will be moot in this deck. She’s a decent 3000 backup if needed.
- 3x Mutton Chops
- Salt
- Pepper
- A pinch of chili pepper (to taste)
- Cumin
- Paprika
- A sprig of rosemary
- Butter
- Onion Powder
- Garlic Powder
Bring mutton chops to room temperature. Coat mutton in olive oil or a neutral flavoured oil. Add in spices (salt, pepper, chili pepper, cumin, paprika, onion powder, garlic powder). Mix accordingly. Cover mixer bowl and leave in refrigerator for at least three hours, ideally overnight if possible.
Bring mutton chops to room temperature. Heat up pan with selected oil. Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees F (190.55 C). Sear both sides of your mutton, ideally 3-4 minutes each, just for a lovely light brown crust to lock in juices. While cooking, make sure to grab a spoon and baste the fat and oil back atop of the mutton chops. Transfer mutton to oven-safe container. Add in the sprig of rosemary. Leave in oven for at least 8-10 minutes. Take out of oven. Leave on oven top to rest for a few minutes. Serve. Optional sides include seasoned potatoes and a glass of red wine.
Watame did nothing wrong.