Within the Kanba Girls’ High School of Arts, there exists a notorious legion by the name of Gran Eple. Gran Eple consists of five members: Kanaho Kon (Leader), Takane Miyagawa, Kureha Toki, Akari Tamba, and Himeka Sadamori. Together, they work as Lilies to defeat the invading Huge. They deploy themselves in a position with Kanaho and Takane in the front with the other three as supporting rearguards as they face their enemies.
This deck profile was suggested by Crumbs.

ALL/S90-005SP-SP “グラン・エプレの必勝戦術”高嶺 (center)
ALL/S90-030OFR-OFR やさしい黄昏 (right)
Kanaho, Takane’s silvered hair bottom close friend, acts as the main stay finisher for the deck. Canonically, she swaps with the goldened locked top Takane after performing her attack so that Takane can get the finishing blow. As a finishing pair, the two perform everything as Kanaho can peek through the deck to grab what you need for the combo while Takane provides a light heal. Their finishing combo does cost quite a bit of resources, but try your best to get at least two of these combos off if possible.

ALL/S90-002RR “花は優しく微笑む”姫歌 (center)
ALL/S90-033CC 看板・宣伝・大作戦☆ (right)
The advantage engine is carried by Akari and Himeka. Akari has a combo with the climax on the right which lets her check the top four cards of your deck and add a level one or higher card to hand. Himeka shares a combo with the same climax which lets you give a character the ability to pay costs and double trigger for the turn. She’s also the deck’s salvage brainstorm.

ALL/S90-025C “たまりません~~っ!”紅巴 (center)
ALL/S90-012U “旬なリリィ”灯莉 (right)
Another advantage engine for the deck is shown above. The event on the left proposal practice is greatly beneficial to the deck as a means to empower your field both temporarily and permanently while giving some more utility for the later game. Since Akari grabs any card that is level 1 or higher, this event is a prime target for her effect.
As is with the energy of this series, friendship empowers everyone. As a result of overwhelming passion, Kureha finds herself gushing over the loving pair in the event and gains the permanent effect of blind stocking upon reverse if said event is in memory. The Akari to the right is a level zero bonder to the 1/1 event from waiting room that also has a nice shift ability.

ALL/S90-018C “わたしのせいで……”紅巴 (center)
ALL/S90-004RR “努力は憧れを追って”紅巴 (right)
Some other cards to highlight are shown above. The Kanaho to the left carries two resonate abilities that resonate with both of the finishing level threes. Her first ability is a power boost, but her second ability carries far more importance as it lets you check the top three cards of your deck and add any single Lily (リリィ) character to hand. Kureha in the center is a double bonder to both level threes. Lastly, the Kureha level assist to the right is a way to continually charge stock throughout the game while pumping characters whenever a resonate ability is used.

ALL/S90-P07SPR “交わる3校の道”叶星 (center)
ALL/SE37-P03SPR “レギオン、集結”叶星 (right)
Should you wish to use backups, there are several options available. Keep in mind that Kureha carries a cross-turn reverse ability, so you can potentially charge or refund stock if you do reverse your opponent during both turns. The first counter to the left is a 2000 powered backup that refunds your stock if all your characters are Lilies. The center backup is a refresh backup. The backup to the right mills your opponent’s deck when used.
As whenever possible, I’ve provided some suggestions above. The bond of this legion is inseparable. Bear in mind the consistency that can be gained from the bonds and resonance targets. Kanaho and Takane’s level three combo do carry a huge costs, so make sure to charge up your deck throughout the game with the 1/0 Kureha and 1/1 Kureha level assist.
Use the finger sucking magic to empower your full squad. Pair your lovely silver haired maiden with her golden prince as the two blend together into a beautiful melody.